Our dedication to in-depth reporting, journalistic innovation, and honest dialogue has remained intact for over a century. This series consists of bound volumes of the Tufts Observer newspaper, dated from August 30, 1985 to May 18, 1986. This series consists of loose copies of the Tufts Observer news magazine, dated from November 9, 2001 to May 23, 2004. ✨ Submit your art, poetry, Happy Halloween from the O! “I think being at a college or university like Tufts can be an isolating experience sometimes, I mean for everyone, but especially if you are member of a group that isn’t as represented within the larger student community,” he said. Typical features include editorials and opinion pieces, a calendar of events, art and culture articles, creative works, and comics. On the subject Santamaria said, “It’s our job to document what happened, and to provide equitable access to the material we have. The Observer covers current events and university news and sports. Some material may be stored offsite and require up to two business days for retrieval. Volume numbering begins with vol. Observer staff currently work out of the Media Advocacy Board Lab, located on the second floor of … We want to document [the Horrible Parades], and make it available to people.” The DCA and its records can be a tool to help us confront Tufts’ past, rather than simply store it away. The DCA also contains documents that speak to the racism endemic to Tufts’ history, such as past newspapers that discuss blatant racism casually. The Observer covers current events and university news and sports. It is the official newspaper of record for Tufts University. Varsity journalism, fresh every fortnight. The Observer states that its objective is to be 'the newspaper of record' for Tufts University. “It was really valuable to see the material we were studying have a tangible history at Tufts, even if it was disheartening to see dorm guidelines that required women to have dates signed in up until 1962,” said Sanders. The Observer covers current events and university news and sports. Digital Collections and Archives (DCA) is the archives and manuscript repository of Tufts University and is open to the public. Location: Be creative with us! *cue happy sad reacts* To start reading TENSION, click the link in, “Davis-Pait emphasized that SJP and TREE’s work does not begin or end with divestment. Observer states that its objective is to be 'the newspaper of record' for Tufts University. Typical features include editorials and opinion pieces, a calendar of events, art and culture articles, creative works, and comics. Digital Collections and Archives (DCA) is the archives and manuscript repository of Tufts University and is open to the public. The Observer states that its objective is to be 'the newspaper of record' for Tufts University. • Explore, “This pandemic will not end soon, but how people approach their time while navigating new norms is a conversation that, “Focused on cutting costs, the University’s increasingly for-profit model higher-up has trickled down into what an anonymous facilities worker described, Creative Inset • Design by Erica Levy Art by Ashley Jin, "the sun wilts in submission / sooner most days it seems it shun / the spawning bodies longing / to, "eight of us sprawled / in sand and sunlight / sweat trickling down / backs swaddled / in cotton pullovers”, Our final issue of the semester is here! Typical features include editorials and opinion pieces, a calendar of events, art and culture articles, creative works, and comics. The Observer has been Tufts’ weekly publication of record since 1895. Requesting Materials. Tufts' libraries offer resources, information and technology across all campuses to aid your studies, scholarship and research.

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