January 16 – 18, 2018
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Columbia, SC
All Our Children: The Church’s Role in Education Equity is an ecumenical learning event focusing on the urgency of quality public education for all children and lifting up how communities of faith are already strengthening public education in their cities, states, and across the nation. This three day gathering will include informative, interactive workshops and plenaries led by practicing educators, experienced community leaders, and hands-on researchers. Our time together will focus on specific steps you and your congregation can take to build Beloved Community through local partnerships, action, and service, with time for conversation, idea sharing, and networking.
Participants can expect to develop a deep understanding of Christian faith foundations for public education support, engagement, and advocacy and to leave the conference with specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed action plans to share with church and community leaders in their home cities and states.