Fuel filters are cheap and easy to replace, so it’s worth doing if you suspect that something is disrupting fuel flow. 2. Fuel needs to be replaced with air as it gets pumped out and used. The lights turn on, neutral light shows, but whenever i try to start it, it just buzzes. If the key is sheared, remove all pieces from the old timing key and install a new according to factory spec. These filters are not meant to be serviced, but may still clog up. Then try starting the ATV as usual. Old unstabilized fuel and debris from the gas tank may completely gum up the carburetor or block the jets so that the engine is not getting any fuel. Fuel exits the fuel tank through a shut-off valve at the lowest part of the tank. Both you and the ATV can catch fire from a spark caused by a short. Yamaha is a world leader in recreational bikes and ATVs. 2002 kodiak wont start just backfires. It’s connected with a few bolts. 4. Instead, you should wash the ATV by hand using only a garden hose and mild soap. This will provide enough fuel so that the ATV starts and begin sucking fuel on its own. However, if I use the pull start instead it will start up with no problems. When your Yamaha ATV wont start, a few simple tools and tests can help you identify your no start problem. Please note that this method may cause electric shock if done incorrectly. Motorcycle Technician. Basically, shell start up fine and idle around 1500-2000 rpm (full choke) but upon going to 1/2 choke or giving her any throttle, she dies. Test the resistance between the positive terminal of the coil and the spark plug. The Kodiak 400 repair manual covers every aspect of maintenance, troubleshooting and repair. Too little air will cause an overly rich mixture, which may result in symptoms as the ones you experience. I recommend these links for a more detailed and illustrated guide on how to disassemble and clean a carburetor (external links): How to disassemble and properly clean a carburetor: https://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/rm-rider-exchange/clean-carburetor-motorcycle-atv/. Before spending money on a mechanic, it may be worth draining your gas tank and adding fresh gas. well, it still will not start. Here are a few things to try out if your ATV is not getting a spark: When you try to start the ATV, the engine seems to crank just as normal. I recommend using a product like Seafoam or similar to see if it will dissolve the gummed-up fuel before embarking on a more thorough cleanse. The clicking sound is coming from the starter solenoid. Remove the spark plugs and pour a dash of gas into the spark plug holes. If the coil is damaged, replace it with a new one. Use carb cleaner and a toothbrush to clean as much as you can. went to start my '02 big bear 400 last night and it wouldn't crank. Yamaha Grizzly 700 Starting Problems Troubleshooting Test #3. Alternatively, you can remove the spark plug while turning the engine over for a few seconds. Finally, check if the stator is working properly. I let it sit since last year is the problem Im sure. The bike hasnt been running to my knowledge for 4-5 months. The problem is likely a dirty carburetor. Most ATV manufacturers recommend that you do not use a pressure washer to clean your ATV, as this may damage electrical components. In its final year, the quad featured a 229.6 cc engine that took unleaded fuel as a main fuel source. Might also consider a service manual. What ATVs Are Shaft Driven, and Why? Grizzly 400, won't start Hey everyone, I have a 07 grizzly 400 and it wont start. Put your multimeter to DC Voltage. Here are some simple steps to diagnose starting problems on a Yamaha YFZ450R ATV. On a fuel-injected ATV, try spraying the injector with an electronic cleaner to expel any trapped moisture. Most times, it’s either an issue with the fuel-pump or that the fuel supply line is clogged up somewhere between the gas tank and the carburetor. Plz help!? There should be no continuity when the switch is off, and continuity when it is on. If there is no vacuum, there may be internal problems inside the engine like a stuck valve. Other electronics that don’t like getting wet is the coil pack and CDI/ECU box. Troubleshooting an ATV That Cranks but Has No Spark, How to Keep Your ATV Clean and Looking Like New, This Is Why ATVs Don’t Have Seatbelts, but UTVs Do, Will Bigger Tires Make an ATV Faster? 1X New Complete Recoil Pull Start. Open the switch and clean it with electronics cleaner. If the spark plug is still dry after cranking the engine for a few seconds, you know that fuel for some reason is not getting to the cylinder. If the problem is not battery-related, you may have a bad starter or even a seized engine, preventing the starter from engaging. As an alternative method, you can use a piece of cable to jump your solenoid. If one cam is off by just one tooth, you may run into starting issues accompanied with the occasional backfire. Clean the carb as described earlier in this post. Prior to my purchase the previous owner, a friend, said he cleaned the carbs. ok so now i know i have a bent intake valve so what parts do i order ? the Z Man. These are sturdy machines and they can take a lot of punishment, however, as with all machines with multiple moving parts, wear and tear can occur. It turns over very easily but wont run. However, it is a good idea to start with the easier and more common causes such as an empty fuel tank and low battery charge. Why Aren’t All ATVs Four Wheel Drive? The switch on the handlebars appears to be working ok. But the engine will not start. Not making any sounds, 168 miles and - Answered by a verified Motorcycle Mechanic First, you should use the positive lead to connect the positive battery terminal with the positive (red) starter cable. All Yamaha Rhinos take unleaded gasoline only. Turn the fuel cock to “ON”. ... My KIA Sorento Won't Start. If you washed the bike while it was running, it might have sucked water into the carbs. Turn over the engine to see if gas is coming through the fuel line. You will also need to address the cause for your dirty carburetor, or it will clog up the next time you ride. I do hear the clicking sound that the starter solenoid makes from under the seat. The battery is good. Then remove the cam cover on the side of the cyl head and see if the dot on cam sprocket is lined up with the mark on the head. Just a small amount of water may foul the plug instantly. It depresses and releases quickly. Starter Motor Engine Starting for Yamaha YZF-R1 2009~2014 OEM Code 14B-81890-00. At least not before you consult the appropriate ATV repair manual. This guide will help you troubleshoot the most common causes for an ATV that won’t start. Let us know what you find. 1999-2004 Yamaha Big Bear 250 ATV engine won’t start refers to when the motor’s crankshaft either turns but fails to start the engine or the crankshaft doesn’t turn at all. I replaced the battery on my 2007 Yamaha 450 Grizzly and it wont start still. Rack? Make sure you can see the light coming through it. This will tell you if the valve is working or not. Use a bucket to collect the fuel. The battery should read 12,6 – 12,8V. Yamaha,Suzuki,Polaris Technical Tra. If you don’t get a reading, you need to trace the wiring back to your battery to wind where the connection is broken. If the bike doesn’t start after running the starter for about 10 – 15 seconds or pulling the starter rope 15-20 times, you should stop and continue troubleshooting. my 2002 yamaha grizzly 660 has to much compression to turn over.? I figured it was the battery, but I installed a new one with a full charge and experience the same problems. You may need a set of large pliers to remove the ring as they tend to bind. I'm an ATV and offroad-enthusiast, an engineer, a farmer, and an avid home-mechanic. Am easy way to test your battery is by checking the voltage-drop with a multimeter as you try starting the bike. Whenever i try to start the raptor it wont start. 2wd vs. 4wd. My 2000 kodiak 400 will not turn over with the electric start. Why Do ATV and Motocross Helmets Have Visors (Peak)? You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. As long as the spark plug is providing a bright blue spark, and fuel is entering the cylinder, you may suspect that your compression is not good enough. There should be a drain screw at the bottom of your carb bowl. 1999 Yamaha kodiak 400 wont start stater good cylinoide good batterie good no spark thinking it might be stater or computer also replaced the coil Does anybody have any suggestions thank you! This article details the main reasons why a Yamaha Big Bear 250 will not start and what should be check to resolve the problem. YAMAHA BIG BEAR 400 4X4 STARTER MOTOR NOT TURNING ENGINE OVER IN CORRECT DIRECTION - Answered by a verified Motorcycle Mechanic We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. The timing key plays a crucial role in timing your bikes ignition as it locks the flywheel in the right position on the crankshaft. If the task of aligning the timing marks sounds intimidating, you are probably better off leaving the job to a mechanic. Instead, they have a non-serviceable screen or a sump-filter located inside the gas tank. A couple of ounces should be enough before installing the spark plugs and starting the bike. when i line the marks up the intake and exaust are loose both and last night i ajusted the intake it was real loose so i dont know if i messed up the valve ajustments i cant tell whats going on now. If you suspect that the valve is not working, put it in “prime” as this will override the vacuum operated valve. Lookup a timing diagram for your specific ATV and make sure all the timing marks line up. Ask your dealer to make sure you get the right one. There is also a rubber diaphragm that may stretch or crack over time. If not I think I would pull the head and look at it. there is a control or function you do not 3. A spark plug that has gone bad may prevent the ATV from starting and only cause it to backfire. Discussion Starter • #1 • Feb 25, 2018. Most gas tanks will have a removable drain plug or on/off switch at the bottom. I tested it. Blowing with a steady pressure into the gas tank vent tube while running the starter may help the fuel to start flowing. The solenoid works as a switch that sends a high current to your starter when you push the start button or turn the key. There you will find a large plastic locking-ring that connects the entire fuel filter assembly to the fuel tank. i put 2 different plugs in it . Troubleshooting a fuel-injected ATV is a bit trickier than carbureted ATVs, but it’s possible: Most fuel injected ATVs do not have a serviceable fuel filter. i have a 2002 yamaha kodiak that wont start it just backfires i. it has great spark and is getting fuel . Clean the carburetor, as described in step three. The filter will be at the very bottom of the assembly. If it doesn’t, the engine might need an overhaul. Yamaha Kodiak 400 ATV’s or all-terrain-vehicles are an […] You will find a method for testing the stator in. Plz help!? I opened it up and had a look inside. Instead of just using the key to to turn it off he used the safety shut off. Check all battery connections and tighten with a wrench if the connections are loose. Hopefully, you will find it useful! There is nothing like the freedom of taking off across the dunes on a Yamaha Kodiak 400 4x4. Locate the pump by tracing the line coming from the gas tank. It does not make the buzzing/clicking sound associated with a bad solenoid. You will generally need to replace the whole assembly to replace the filter. If it is very little or no fuel coming from the fuel line, you likely have either: If there is a steady or pulsating stream of fuel you know that. Locate your spark plug. Blinkey 10 Posted February 23, 2012. Listen for a loud click to make sure it's working. but you have to keep hitting the starter until it finally goes. Make sure the timing marks are lined up correctly. Open the airbox to drain any water and let the filter dry out. The battery is fully charged, kill switch is on all wire connections are tight. Inspect the vacuum line to make sure it is correctly connected at both ends and has no cracks that will draw false air. If the fuel is gummy or contaminated with water, have the fuel tank drained by a mechanic or Yamaha dealer. A dirty carburetor may prevent enough fuel from getting to the cylinder, causing a lean backfire. Disconnect and apply dielectric grease to every electric connector as a preventive measure for future trouble-free washing! I can not start my Yamaha (year 2000 ) Kodiak 400, It is turning over, changed spark plug, drained gas and put in fresh premium grade, checked gas flow from gas cock, checked flow through gas filter, … read more. Inside there are check-valves that may get suck if dirt enters the pump. Consider asking a mechanic if disassembling the carb seems intimidating. If the voltage drops too low, the battery won’t have enough charge to start the bike. Line up the T mark and the dot on the cam. It has a brand new battery fully charged and completely clean terminals and connections with dielectric grease. The red lead goes to the starter side of the solenoid. Checking and adjusting the valve clearance on an ATV is not that hard to learn, but it is recommended that you ask for guidance from someone more experienced the first time you do this job. ATV Winch Mounting: Upside Down? The intake valves may be tight. Yamaha Kodiak 400 ATV’s or all-terrain-vehicles are an excellent way to enjoy the outdoors. 2003 Suzuki GZ250 Under 400 original miles OK folks, in my previous thread I mentioned the bike not starting when warm. Replace the plug with a new one according to the manufacturer’s specifications. A clogged fuel filter or clogged fuel lines may cause a too low fuel pressure as-well. ! Recently I tried to start it. If you pull the carb and intake manifold sometimes you can see part of the vavle. If you are not able to clean the jet, it’s best to replace it. I recommend you leave this job to a dealer. Replaced the carb. Leave the ATV in the sun to dry for a day or two before attempting to start it again. A carbureted ATV may need a richer fuel mixture to start in the cold. brian winther. The best way to test an electric fuel pump is by measuring the fuel pressure at the fuel rail. ATV Winch Draining the Battery – What Is Normal and Not? Try removing the pump and check for internal resistance with an ohm-meter. There should be a shut off valve at the lowest part of the fuel tank. If your battery is charged, but you still get nothing when turning the key, you may have a blown main fuse. Gas may go bad if it sits too long, or it may get contaminated with water due to condensation. Charge the battery or replace it if it is dead. Flush the tank with some fresh gas. Do ATV and Motocross Helmets Expire? There is either a vent in the gas cap or a separate gas tank vent tube. The battery was tested and needed to be replaced. Remove your recoil starter and you will find a hole that you can line up the T mark on the flywheel with. I had to disconnect the battery. After checking the starter motor through the solenoid test, the next part you want to test is the starter circuit interrupt relay. I have a 1999 Yamaha Big Bear 350 4x4 trying to get fixed up so my grandson can go out in the woods with me. Turn off your machine and then start it back up again, and hit the starter switch to hear your solenoid close. Older ATVs, and some of the cheaper models still today are designed with a traditional carburetor fuel-system. The solution is usually quite simple. Was ridding it and all of a sudden it just died. i know i need the valve and head gasket but what else do i need and when i put the new valve in do i need to do anything special to the valves ? Yamaha 400 with electrical Gremlins aplenty. Just take the spark plug out of the engine and plug it back into the spark plug wire. and nothing just the same backfire . It does not make the buzzing/clicking sound associated with a bad solenoid. Old or unstabilized gas tends to gum up over time and may create a clog. Kodiak wont start. yamaha warrior problems Hello I baught a 2001 warrior last month and it had problems with the spark..I changed my ignition coil and regulator and it went fine until I did an oil change last week.. 2005 660 Grizzly, Bluesman Blue, Warn XT25, 26" ITP Mudlites,ITP Wheels,Moose Rear Box,Power Mad hand guards,greaseless primary sheave,clutch kit. 0 2005 Yamaha Kodiak 400 wont start and have replaced the starter relay already. Disconnect the carb from the ATV and move it over to a tidy workbench. Wanted to go riding this past weekend, so i put a good charge on the battery, tried to crank it, and it fired right up. ok ill do that today i really appreciate the help thanks agian ill let you know whats up tonight.
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