It looks like your browser needs an update. In the context of rule utilitarianism, which of the following a. c. Utilitarianism helps explain why some actions are generally wrong and others are generally right. David, who has noticed for the first time a colleague misrepresenting data in a report​, Mark is the sales manager of a reputed firm. The main difference between act and rule utilitarianism is that act utilitarianism emphasizes the consequences/results of action whereas rule utilitarianism emphasizes the consequences from following a rule of conduct.. Utilitarianism, which is one of the most influential moral theories in the world, refers to the theory that the morality of actions depends on their effect on … The local community is not a stakeholder of an organization​. Over his tenure, he has witnessed numerous ethical misconducts. © 2003-2021 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. In the context of corporate social responsibility, which of the following statements is true of the stakeholder theory? It states that a company is expected to be a good citizen in its community. The rule of maximizing expected utility tells the parties to do the following: when they promote the actor's interests and well-being. Decisions must benefit the maximum number of people through the fairest and most universally just means available. a. dilemma b. inconsistency Utilitarianism is concerned with providing for the needs of the minorities. According to the Principle of Utility within the ethical theory of Utilitarianism, happiness is an extermely important factor in determining the rightness and wrongness of acts. In the context of the determinants of a civil society, _____ involves the voluntary acceptance of standards established by nongovernmental entities. C. All free atoms contribute eight valence electrons to form molecules. Utilitarianism is one of the best known and most influential moral theories. A key point in this article concerns the distinction between individual actions and types of actions. Robin, a police sergeant, believes that bribing is illegal. Which of the following would support the uneven distribution of wealth for the b. Act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism boil down to the same thing. ... Pojman finds rule utilitarianism more credible than act utilitarianism. b. examples. State weather the following statements are true or false 1. B) Civil private lawsuits are not permitted under this rule. Privacy U.S. corporations are prohibited to make illegal payments to foreign governments, The stakeholder theory of corporate social responsibility:​. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. Choose one answer. c) Kant believed that the results of an action could determine its … Both theories have flaws associated with predicting the future. In order to obey the octet rule, some atoms have to share more than one pair of electrons. Robin displays _____. 2. Mark is a friend of Ryan, who has been accused of attempt to murder. Ethical truths depend on the individuals and groups holding them. A. B. ​Who among the following is most likely to disapprove of unethical practices more strongly than others? 14) Which of the following is true of utilitarianism? In the context of ethical theories, Mark displays _____.​, In the context of ethical theories, which of the following statements is true of rule utilitarianism?​. follows the law. B. It is a concept that believes that although following the rules does not always produce the greatest good, not following it will not produce the greatest good either. A) Privity of contract is a necessity for bringing a lawsuit under this rule. 1. Morals are rules people develop as a result of cultural values and norms.​. Which of the following statements is true of rule utilitarianism? None of the above statements about utilitarianism is true. Oh no! In The Context Of Rule Utilitarianism, Which Of The Following Statements Is True? Which of the following statements would a rule utilitarian affirm? Utilitarianism is primarily concerned with the legal aspects of business decisions. 1. B. The issue is best described by the following statement: -> It seems difficult, if not impossible, for a regular human being to constantly calculate all the potential effects of all his actions. Rules are of no importance to act utilitarianism. A. others. Rule Utilitarianism when they promote general happiness. d) Home-rule cities are limited in the type of government structure it wishes to adopt. Which of the following is a similarity between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism? point system. B) It has been criticized for not providing universal ethical rules to guide a person's conduct. a. statements is true? It turns on a choice between two rules for making decisions under uncertainty: maximize expected utility or maximin. Which of the following statements is true with Bentham’s utilitarianism? & Utilitarianism holds that an action that affects the majority adversely is morally wrong. O a. In The Context Of Rule Utilitarianism, Which Of The Following Statements Is True? A virtue is a character trait valued as being good​. a) Kant was a nonconsequentialist. A person who follows the deontological theory: follows his or her obligations to another individual or society because upholding one's duty is what is considered ethically correct.​. Sustainability is a popular theory in cause-related marketing​. Which of the following statements is true of corporate social responsibility? In this case, he will observe lessethical misconduct when:​, his coworkers have a strong ethical culture​, _____ is a business's concern for the long-range welfare of both the company and its relationship to the society within which it operates.​. always wrong. Both theories may lead to actions that are not ethically correct. Decisions must benefit the most people but through the fairest and most just means available. One common approach to business ethics and decision making is utilitarianism, which is based largely in examining the consequences of a decision rather than the ethics of the decision in itself. In the context of ethical theories, which of the following statements is true of moral relativism? b. Utilitarianism appears counter-intuitive to many people. Act utilitarians focus on the effects of individual actions (such as John Wilkes Booths assassina… Like other forms of consequentialism, its core idea is that whether actions are morally right or wrong depends on their effects. when they reflect the following of a just principle, regardless of the consequences. Which of the following is a similarity between the deontological theory and moral relativism? a. Decisions must benefit the most people but through the fairest 1. Both theories have flaws associated with predicting the 36. The concept of utilitarianism supports affirmative action programs. in the context of the utilitarian ethical theory, uncertainty in predicting the future can lead to: making the utilitarian look unethical as time passes.​. C) It proposes universal ethical rules based on consistency and reversibility. Decisions must benefit the most people but through the fairest and most just means available. Rule-utilitarianism is a reaction to that objection. Utilitarianism, in normative ethics, a tradition stemming from the late 18th- and 19th-century English philosophers and economists Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill according to which an action is right if it tends to promote happiness and wrong if it tends to produce the reverse of happiness. and most just means available. c. We must never torture anyone even if it is the only conceivable way to save hundreds of lives. Which of the following statements is not true of utilitarianism? Rule utilitarianism might sound paradoxical because when it argues that one can produce more beneficial results by following rules than by always performing actions whose results are beneficial, it implies that performing utility-maximizing actions isn’t always justified, going against the very idea of utilitarianism. Intuition and personal feelings should guide decision making in D. The oxygen atom can have an expandable octet. A. Indigenous leaders continued to rule over their subjects with input from European monarchs. The _____ states that people should adhere to their obligations and duties when analyzing an ethical dilemma.​. utilitarian? a. Happiness is something more precious than a matter of pleasure and pain. d. A utilitarian is not necessarily concerned with the welfare of A utilitarian compares similar predicted solutions and uses a 84 35. $0.99. The correctness of a rule is determined by the amount of good it brings about when followed. 2.2 Utilitarian Ethics Utilitarian ethics is a normative ethical system that is primarily concerned with the consequences of ethical decisions; therefore it can be described as a teleological theory or consequentialist theory, which are essentially the same thing, both having a notion that the consequence of the act is the most important determinant of the act being moral or not. ​It is the cooperative efforts of a for-profit firm and a nonprofit organization for mutual benefit, Which of the following is a disadvantage of cause-related marketing?​. when they are performed by a virtuous person. Ethical truths depend on the individuals and groups holding (Pick only one.) Atoms are most stable when surrounded by eight electrons. case of dilemmas. View desktop site. Ethical beliefs vary widely from culture to culture.​. The _____ compares a current ethical dilemma with examples of similar ethical dilemmas and their outcomes. ​Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), _____. a) Home-rule cities are bound by Dillon's law. The pyramid of corporate social responsibility portrays philanthropic performance as the foundation for the responsibilities. JJC Smart – Extreme (Act) and Restricted (Rule) Utilitarianism. B. Indigenous empires formed permanent alliances with competing European states. In the end, rule utilitarianism can become an act utilitarianism because when breaking a rule produces a greater good, a sub rule can be made to handle exceptions. It does not believe in absolute rules such as laws​. Rule-utilitarianism. Which is true about rule utilitarianism and Kantianism (check all that apply) a. Philosophers Richard Brandt and Brad Hooker are major proponents of such an approach. Both theories compare a current ethical dilemma with similar Which of the following statements is true about the result of European colonialism in the Americas? Although different varieties of utilitarianism admit different characterizations, the basic idea behind all of them is to in some sense maximize utility, which is often defined in terms of well-being or related concepts. D) Ordinary negligence imposes liability on the accountant under this rule. Decisions must benefit the most people but through the fairest and most just means available is the, operations management questions and answers. Which of the following statements is true of cause-related marketing? A Current Ethical Dilemma Should Be Compared With Similar Examples And Outcomes Before Deciding On A Course Of Action. A Current ... A current ethical dilemma should be compared with similar Decisions Must Benefit The Most People But Through The Fairest And Most Just Means Available. d. Utilitarianism matches well with moral evaluations of public policies. In the context of the utilitarian ethical theory, to a utilitarian: similar predicted solutions can be compared to determine the most beneficial choice. 8. This illustrates _____. The objection that, by following rule utilitarianism, we will sometimes fail to maximize utility in specific situations is called the _____ objection. Which statement(s) about the octet rule is (are) false? In less severe terms, road rules are an example of rule utilitarianism. According to both theories, right actions are those that are in line with universal moral rules c. 37 b. Which of the following statements is true regarding human rights? Conventional morality is the most basic level of ethical development​. False. Which of the following statements about the order of rule enforcement is true?A . them. If the Action is Accept, the gateway allowsContinue reading False. Both theories are beliefs based on time-and-place ethics. According to Utilitarianism, my own happiness and the happiness of loved ones count more than the happiness of strangers 3. Cause-related marketing is a marketing relationship based on a straight donation. Which of the following statements is true of a | utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism? According to the levels of ethical development, at the preconventional morality level, people:​. C) Only purchasers and sellers of securities can sue accountants under this rule. Which of the following statements is true of Rule 10b-5? More specifically, the only effects of actions that are relevant are the good and bad results that they produce. Preconventional morality moves from an egocentric viewpoint toward the expectations of society. $0.99. Mark believes that his behavior will benefit his family and him, and hence he is not concerned about the legality of his behavior. Which of the following best describes utilitarianism? considers the management of an organization as one of the stakeholders. Allan speaks out against those who litter on roads because he believes that society expects cleanliness from people. Terms A person who believes that achieving desirable outcomes is more important than e. The principle of utility in rule-utilitarianism is to follow those rules which will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Businesses have resources, so businesses should be given the chance to solve social problems. Both theories evaluate the moral rules in the same way b. c) Home-rule cities have greater powers of annexation than general-law cities. A. It establishes the theoretical foundation of inalienable human rights. examples and outcomes before deciding on a course of action. Which of the following is true regarding utilitarian beliefs - 5 out of 5 points Which of the following is true regarding utilitarian beliefs? 2. Both theories advocate benefit for people through the fairest True b. The official argument is that the parties in the original position would prefer Rawls’s two principles to utilitarianism. Selected Answer: Utilitarians wish to maximize happiness not simply immediately , but., how to improve oxygen saturation Utilitarianism is a family of normative ethical theories that prescribe actions that maximize happiness and well-being for all affected individuals.

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