Granting extensions can become a huge chore for teachers. I thought it would be different. Don’t give them an excuse to tell all their other colleagues that you’re a brat. Here’s some forms of evidence I’ve accepted in the past: No matter what the evidence is, it goes a long way. Ask as soon as you know that submitting on time will be a problem. One extended deadline for a paper is surely enough. Therefore, if you feel you have cause to go to student services for counselling support or support for a disability, that’s a great avenue. One great tip for this blanket request strategy is to search for the academic who is in charge of your major or overall course and get them to co-ordinate the blanket extension for you.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_20',122,'0','0'])); To find out who is in charge of your overall major, check the College’s webpage that discusses your major and look for the name of the key faculty contact on that page. Most of these questions should be to ask for clarity or advice on how to write the piece. You also want to ask for the extension in a way that doesn’t lead to a penalty and decreased marks.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-banner-1','ezslot_14',644,'0','0'])); Many universities have policies where students are given penalties per day an assignment is submitted past its deadline. Feel free to share and use this infographic how ever you like. Request for Extension of Time to Complete Degree. “I’d always rather students were honest than that they invent excuses. If you’ve already got a long chain of email discussions or had some quality face-to-face chats about the subject, your extension request will be looked upon more kindly.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_16',651,'0','0'])); Every extension request you send through should start with a statement showing that you want the extension because you are prioritizing the subject. Also, try to … You can attach your draft in your request email or bring it in person. Email both professors whose deadlines clash and ask them whether they can discuss together the possibility of moving the deadlines. In any case, Professor Fenwick makes a good point about what students should do when they ask for extensions. You have come to the teacher and either said: Teachers are impressed when students have taken matters into their own hands. Your health and wellness, whether … I think we would all agree with this point. Expecting to hear soon from another employer with whom you've interviewed is a legitimate reason. Any enclosures should be c… Subject: Letter of request for extension for submission of thesis . When showing a draft, it’s a good idea to say “One of the reasons I’m not finished is I hit writer’s block at X point. We want students to show that they are pro-active and problem solvers. If you submit your work after the advertised deadline then late submission penalties will be applied. Here’s where building a relationship with your professor in advance comes in very handy. You should also include a new, realistic deadline that you think you can meet. Unless you are seriously ill, getting extensions on numerous assignments is dangerous because it will just make you procrastinate more and stress you out when the time rolls around again to hand everything in again. I’ll bank in my head “Hey, this student really wants to do well.”. You will not leave the programme and will continue to progress your research. Many times students exhaust themselves to make their assignments the best. A full class of students approaches the teacher and announces that there has been a glut of assignment deadlines all clustered together into one week. If you haven’t had much interaction with your professor, you could possibly be remembered for getting an extension. Below are the step-by-step instructions. If you haven’t had much interaction with your professor, you could possibly be remembered for getting an extension. Then, in the body of your letter, state that you'd like an extension and explain why you need one. No matter how long you ask for, you need to use the extension request to show your good side: that you’re a fixer, not a complainer. You aren’t coming to them expecting a hand-out. Be a standout student in other ways. As a university teacher I estimate that I have had well over 400 students ask for extensions over the past decade of teaching. More information is available in the Guidelines for Students – Assignment Extensions published with the Assessment Policy; Using student forms. Maybe you’re trying to spice up your project so it’s the best it can be! Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. In fact, often we’ll email each other right away to discuss and co-ordinate responses to extension requests. Especially when you lie. It is so much easier to say ‘No’ to an email than a person standing in front of you, cap in hand. Privacy PolicyTerms and ConditionsDisclaimer. Nonetheless, you’ll need to find time to start your work early in order to avoid asking for an extension altogether. If you’re within that 72 hours before submission zone, asking in person might be your one chance to save the day. Explain that you have now freed up time every Monday afternoon to go to the library to study; Let your teacher know you’ve booked-in for some study skills sessions at the library to learn to manage your time better; or, Explain that you have talked to your boss about ensuring your shifts don’t clash with university activities any more, “Here’s my problem – can you find a solution for me?”; or, “Here’s my problem – I have identified a solution. From time to time circumstances arise which are outside your control and which may prevent you from performing to your potential. The letter said: “I regret I was unable to come to class on Monday with my essay because a horse fell on my step-father in North Bay.”. Students rely on information available on the Internet to complete projects. Respected Graduate Studies office, I am writing this letter to request an extension in the deadline for submitting my Master thesis. at least 7 days (preferably 14) before the submission deadline, The 9 Top Extension Excuses and How to Ask Them, building a relationship with your professor in advance, Ask for an extension as early as possible, Show that you care about your grade on your paper, Make the email professional and respectful, Ask for the extension in your second email, not your first, Consider asking for extensions on all your classes at once, you’re a carer for your parent, child or partner, You want an extension because getting a top mark is your priority and you need more time for that to happen; or, You want an extension because other things in your life were a priority instead of writing the paper. For example, often a student will email me 10 days before the paper is due asking for tips and advice. I know that many of my readers are online or distance learners. They send emails like they’re text messages. Your professor might also have higher expectations now that you’ve been granted an extension. Your reason for an extension request can be seen in two ways: eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_17',158,'0','0']));Some of the best extension requests that come into my inbox start with a statement about your goal. Students often say ‘My goal is to receive X grade in all my subjects in order to qualify for a Master’s degree, further education or a specific internship’. The question “Can I have an extension on this paper?” should be the last question you ask. Seriously – you should hear the things teachers say about students in the faculty lounge. One way to remind your teacher of how you’ve been working hard is to send your extension request email as a ‘reply’ to your previous email discussion. However you might, under certain circumstances, be able to request an extension. Students who volunteer to present first in class are usually remembered and marked on a slightly different scale because they cannot be compared to anyone else. A group of students could collectively ask a professor for an extension if they all have an exam or other commitment that is taking away from the time they need to spend on a paper. It’s not U (of T), it’s me. If several … Do you approve of my solution?”. Are you asking for this extensions because you were watching too much TV? If you were given the assignment some time ago, the evidence needs to cover the period between being given the assignment and the deadline - if you've left it to the last minute, you're not going to have much credibility. A teacher is much more likely to grant an extension to a student who wants one to ensure they do well. I recommend asking for an extension of between 2 and 7 days: Evidence is usually your golden ticket for an extension. I guess my main point is to avoid extensions and awkward, pleading conversations with professors at all costs! Search and ask about other resources. I recommend bringing the policy to the professor in order that they know you’re serious about applying. We’ll ask the client to come back next week.”. That was a head-scratcher. All the advice on this site is general in nature. Some other tips when asking for an extension: First, ask yourself, is this actually a valid excuse for an extension? I wrote this post back in the fall, predetermining the fact that by the end of November, when tests, projects, presentations and essays are all due at the same time, my relationship with school may be on the rocks. If you’ve already developed a relationship with the professor and have attended open office hours previously, this trick will work even better! Your boss is more likely to show you the door.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'helpfulprofessor_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',647,'0','0'])); However, there are exceptional circumstances in your life that can be used as appropriate excuses for extensions. Although he will have to grant it grudgingly he will never trust you with another project again. They’re often off campus multiple days working in the field. It also shows that you haven’t totally prioritized everything else in your life. I want to do well, and this class matters to me.”. However, even in North America, you may find that your teacher will move your mark down from a B+ to a B- because your work was late and your excuse was not good enough. Try to get an extension on only one assignment. The Learning Center has provided a page for resources related to tutoring, academic coaching and study groups. This is particularly the case in universities that give number scores out of 100 such as in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. It happened – and yep, the faculty were well aware that she was a chronic liar. They manage large groups of students, colleagues and clients. A student may need to request more time to complete a paper or project, or someone offered a job may need to ask for an extension of the starting date. Memorize – learn/memorize extension; Flashcards (for Google Dictionary and Google Translate) – digital flashcards creator If you provide evidence in your first email or conversation with your teacher, they’ll be impressed by your preparedness and are more likely sign-off the extension on the spot. If you consult that policy you will be in a much better position to apply for the extension. I always recommend to my students that they complete their assignment at least 7 days (preferably 14) before the submission deadline. This is so that when things go wrong in their lives they can still submit in time. Putting your social life before your schoolwork? To write a letter asking for an extension, start with a formal salutation, like "Dear Professor Montgomery." You do not want to leave the impression that you want the extension because other things took precedent over your studies. About midway through the academic year (right now! If you’ve asked for an extension because you have run out of time you could: Be pro-active about what you want to happen if your deadline is extended. For those students who can’t ask in person, remember that your email request must be professional and respectful in order to maximize your chances of having the extension granted. Read also: The 9 Top Extension Excuses and How to Ask ThemRead also: 15+ Tips on Requesting an Extensioneval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_8',110,'0','0'])); Asking for an extension within 3 days (72 hours) of your due date looks really bad. Ask for an extension only when you genuinely need it. If browsing on Chrome, then there are many Chrome extensions for students that will help with research and completing projects. Often, a disability support officer or a student counselor even has authority over the course teacher to grant extensions. In fact, the last thing I want to do after a hard day of work is come home and have to dedicate more time and attention to you, school. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'helpfulprofessor_com-box-3','ezslot_3',663,'0','0'])); This is how to ask for an extension on a paper from your professor:eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'helpfulprofessor_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_6',664,'0','0'])); The rest of this article will show you how to follow those 15 steps in more detail! Come to your teacher saying “I’ve made an effort – look!”. Do not wait for the last minute to ask for an extension as it will make your boss angry and stubborn. About The Helpful ProfessorCopyright © 2021 Helpful Professor. However, try the tips below to make the best out of a bad situation. Some of these are: In these circumstances you should get in touch with your teacher early on to ask for an extension. Putting a face to a name is good. If you are just hoping to get more interviews, that's not a concrete reason. Sub: Application for Loan Date Extension. Laying out what your goal is shows that you are asking for the extension because you want to do the best you can. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-leader-4','ezslot_15',160,'0','0']));Because they are so busy, they will likely approve the solution that your present to them. You must have a very good reason as to why you have not finished the work in time. Be a standout student in other ways. 2) Ask as soon as possible. Clearly, giving one person an extension isn’t fair to the rest of the class. Some professors do not allow late work except in cases of illness … Asking for your extension in-person can be one saving grace late in the game. Your professor might also have higher expectations now that you’ve been granted an … This is my back-up post for lifeatuoft, written during the honeymoon phase of the school year (September) when I am still madly in love with my professors, schoolwork and the predictable routine of university life. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I want to leave it. To avoid a bad name, only ask for extensions rarely – preferably only once in your degree. No problem. ), I’m fantasizing about a much needed break from U of T and won’t want to contribute to lifeatuoft at all. That should take you to the professor’s wording for their own policy. If they said yes, they were asked if they would make up an excuse or tell the truth, and how confident they were the instructor would grant an extension. A great way to do this is to explain how you are going to fix the issue so it won’t happen again. An extension of study is a lengthening of your candidature to take account of unexpected or unavoidable disruption to studies which has slowed down academic progress significantly and which you are unable to make up the lost time for. I hate it. While some professors will accept a poorly scrawled doctor’s note, the University of Toronto requests that students have their doctors fill out this Student Medical Certificate form to provide evidence of illness. Then, ask the professor whether they would consider approving the extension under those terms.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'helpfulprofessor_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',669,'0','0'])); I find it much harder to refuse an extension if the student has laid the groundwork for their extension request. Although I can’t accurately predict what my state of mind is today (this was written in September, after all), I am most likely dreaming of a professor suddenly granting my entire class an extension. Sometimes this works in your favor – a teacher will already have heard you’re having a rough time and treat you with a little more care. If you don’t, be prepared to be told to go away and come back with some evidence of hardship. If you’ve found yourself in a situation where you need to ask for an extension a day or two before due date, you might be out of luck. Don’t forget to bring a few things with you when you ask in person: The trick for this one is to bring a list of questions with you. This involves using a browser, and to browse efficiently they will need some reliable extensions. Students these days! Studentsshould always cross-check any information on this site withtheir course teacher. There should be an extension policy that outlines what counts for an extension and what doesn’t. Everything is too demanding. Extension due to the impact of COVID-19: Although students have been encouraged to continue working on their research as much as possible, it is recognised that the impact of the pandemic will have caused delays to many students' progress and that they may therefore need to apply for an extension to their submission deadline. I’m talking one extension period. Remember to keep the tone of your letter positive so it doesn't seem like you're whining or complaining. Talk to your professor, in person if possible, to explain your situation. I’d far rather hear that their grandmother is visiting from out of town and that they want to spend time with her than that they invent blatantly untrue, embarrassing excuses.”. Teachers are very much less likely to give extensions within 3 days of the due date. It’s very hard to tell the student that you are going against university policy and denying them an extension. Yes, taking extension will be the most ideal choice for the students when they will not be able to complete it as per the given frame of time. This is easier than it sounds. You may ask for an extension. But it is a wise decision rather than beating yourself up to make things happen. If you send an initial email asking questions about the assignment content, your teacher will be more likely to give you an extension. Like the above points, this one shows that you’ve put some thought into the extension request. It signifies to your teacher that you hadn’t started early enough and are now panicking. While some are merciful, others will flat out deny you of a few extra days or weeks to complete your assignment, so be aware and proceed with caution. This mysterious illness almost always results in a high number of requests for extensions on the eve of a due date. The majority of papers are due on Fridays. You need to be careful about how you ask to extend your assessment deadline. That’s why they’re often so reluctant to give you an extension. So don’t lie – It’ll come back to bite you. I’m not only talking about one extension per course here. His mission is to help thousands of unversity students understand their topics in an easy-to-read way. Professors are aware that there is a weird sudden illness that university students are stricken with the night before something is due. Teachers get extension requests from up to 25 percent of all students in their course. Have I told you the story of the girl who had 3 grandmothers die in 2 years? Similarly, your professor may have created their own policy. I once took a Contemporary British Literature course with Professor Fenwick (pronounced with a silent w) and she made it very clear that getting an extension is possible, under very special circumstances. Yep. The minute a doctor’s certificate is thrust under my nose I sign on the dotted line: Extension Granted. Instead, you’re coming to the teacher with something to offer. There are a few important things to keep in mind, though: This happens often. Don’t ask for an extension the night before in e-mail. The Adobe Portable Document Format … It also shows you genuinely care and are engaged in the coursework. It is suggested that students apply around 6 months before their submission … I have also managed other university teachers and seen how they go about granting or denying extensions.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',645,'0','0'])); eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',667,'0','0']));Overwhelmingly, the students who got the extensions were those who followed most of the below key steps. They gossip in the faculty lounge, they send emails to one another about students and they’re notoriously condescending. Your email address will not be published. Often instructors have students ask for extensions due to healthmedical issues from BIO 100 at National University Request for extension deadline changed Requests for extensions, with evidence of extenuating circumstances, may now be submitted before, on or up to two days after (by 5.00pm) the due date of the assessment. A thesis plan must be submitted giving target dates for completion of each chapter. The way your email is crafted either shows you care, or that you’re a spoiled brat. However, be careful not to look like you’re insisting in the extension.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'helpfulprofessor_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_2',649,'0','0'])); Instead, approach the professor with the policy and tell them that you think you might qualify for an extension under the terms of the policy. However, asking your professor or teaching assistant for an extension in person is the best way to go. Asking for an extension on a paper can be hard. If your paper is due on the Friday, the latest you want to ask for an extension is the Tuesday. Search through the course materials on your course’s website (Moodle, Canvas or Blackboard) to see whether there is any mention of extensions. Here is a sample of an extension request letter.It should be sent by certified mail, so the sender has proof of the date it was sent and received. This article explains when and how to ask for a deadline extension at work and provides examples to help you make your own request. Suggesting a solution and timeframe also shows that you have thought about what to do.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-leader-3','ezslot_12',115,'0','0'])); In this instance, the extension request can be seen in these two ways. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 3. Use of this website is governed by the Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Policies you can access via links in the footer. You’ve put thought into it, at least! If your story to one teacher conflicts with the story to another, word will get around.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'helpfulprofessor_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_18',123,'0','0'])); I couldn’t fit all 15 tips on the infographic for this post, but here’s nine key tips from above in infographic form. Your story needs to be consistent. For you, an email is the obvious and only way to ask for an extension. When you ask in person, it makes it look like you’ve thought things through. You are probably very busy with your job and family commitments. If asking for an extension it's best to let them know how much time you will need, and why you will need that much time. Make sure you have a concrete and appropriate reason for asking for an extension. Here’s the other key benefit of asking in person: It humanizes you. The Mitigating Circumstances process is designed to assist students in these situations. You can have a policy of having students ask for extensions, with an explanation, in writing more than 24 hours before a due date. In this way, your teacher will be able to see all previous correspondence and see how hard you’ve been working. Student Services can inform the School of any adverse situations affecting the student, but cannot request that a School grants an extension. Simply download the little-read key documents in the course homepage that are generally labelled: Then, conduct a word search in those documents (usually Control + F or Command + F) for the word “Extension” or “Late”. Alternately, the strength in numbers strategy could be done by email. Any extension excuse you share with the teacher, your other teachers will know about it. A teacher or professor may be willing to grant an extension that is within the timing of the current semester, but not an extension that goes into the summer vacation or next semester. The situation is, it is better than the students take an extension on the respective assignment submission. Very, very often, teachers will negotiate with one another to ensure the deadlines do not clash. I’ve been thinking it over for a day or two, and thought “hey, I really need to talk to someone about this.”. Showing that you’ve made a substantial start shows the teacher that you didn’t just forget about the assignment. (Explain actual problem and situation in your own words). Twitter: @helpfulprofeval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-banner-2','ezslot_0',129,'0','0']));report this ad. Students submitting an extension within the above timeframes, following the completion of their supervised study, must be able to demonstrate evidence of progress in their research and make clear the feasibility of submitting their thesis within the period of extension being sought. Extensions are granted at the Schools discretion so you will not automatically get one if you ask. Seekprofessional input on your specific circumstances. Feel free to remind your teacher that this is your first ever extension request. A formal letter, written with honesty and tact, is a respectful way to request an extension. Extensions usually require proof from an independent third party, that something has happened to prevent you from delivering to the deadline. Keep in mind that teachers love to gossip. It’s taken me weeks and I just haven’t been able to figure it out!”, In other words, your draft says to your teacher: “I’ve been thinking about this a lot! Complete a copy of the Request for Time Extension form for master’s students or doctoral students. She never got an extension request granted again. All I ask is that you please include a text hyperlink back to this page wherever you use the infographic. But don’t lie – they’ll check with your other teachers. Sir, I am a current user of your bank and I am running 3 different accounts (More/less) with good flow. For all universities I’ve worked at I’ve gotten emails from student support services insisting I give a student an extension. Chris Drew (aka the Helpful Professor) is a university educator and former school teacher. When you contact your teacher either face-to-face or by email, you need to let them know you’re asking for an extension on the deadline because you really care about your grade. Once again the earlier in the semester you do this strategy the better. Navigating the Career Abyss: Extern Job Shadowing, Part 1. The employer does not have to grant it. And just remember, you are making an impression on your professor whether you like it or not. The professor should be reminded that you’ve been working really hard on this piece, which will play into their decision making when they decide whether or not to give you an extension. A great time to do this is when the whole course cohort are together in a lecture or seminar. Okay, so you’ve got your 15 tips on how to ask a professor for an extension on a paper. You should request an extension as soon as you know that you won’t be able to meet the original deadline. Sample Request Letter for Extension. You can have more of a conversation about your situation than if you just left an email or voice mail message. The students were told that they could obtain an extension without penalty by emailing the instructor. This sympathetic gesture has actually occurred on rare occasions. If you need more time to complete your master’s or doctoral degree, you must fill out a Request for Time Extension form.
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