marched to encounter him, but was himself defeated and slain, and his country ravaged far and wide. His son Elah had reigned only two years (like Ishbaal and Nadab) when he was slain in the midst of a drunken carousal by his captain Zimri. Determined to slay the dragon, the knight raised his sword to deliver a strike. He compares her story with that of Lamia, who, after her children had been slain by Zeus, retired to a lonely cave and carried off and killed the children of others. Masaud was defeated and slain by the nobles of Bahraich in 1033, and the Mahommedans did not establish their authority over the country till the middle of the 13th century. How could they keep terms with " bloody Sectaries " that had slain their king, in face of the protests of their envoys ? On its banks Hasdrubal, while marching to the aid of Hannibal in 207 B.C., was defeated and slain by the Roman army, this being the decisive battle of the Second Punic War. Leo Santiago Chavez, 20, was sentenced … , The number of corpses found slain in the war-stricken city is growing rapidly. The Cimmerian hordes returned, Gyges was slain in battle (652 B.C. This transference is doubtless connected with the change in the relations between the time of the Passover meal and that of His death: in the Synoptists, the Thursday evening's supper is a true Passover meal, the lamb had been slain that afternoon and Jesus dies some twenty-four hours later; in John, the supper is not a Passovermeal, the Passover is celebrated on Friday, and Jesus, proclaimed here from the first, the Lamb of God, dies whilst the paschal lambs, His prototypes, are being slain. In 1187 Alexis Branas, the general sent against the rebels, treacherously turned his arms against his master, and attempted to seize Constantinople, but was defeated and slain. The new caliph, however, found means of disposing of their opposition, and at the battle of the Camel, fought at Basra in November 656, Talha and Zobair were slain, and Ayesha was taken prisoner. On his dethronement and captivity by the Parthians, Antiochus Dionysus, his brother, succeeded him, but was slain in battle by IHaritha (Aretas) the Arab - the first instance of Arab interference with Damascene politics. He recaptured Jerusalem, at the siege of which Bar-Cochebas himself was slain. A quarter of a century later, Baasha's son Elah, after a reign of two years, was slain by Zimri, captain of the chariots, in a drinking bout, and again the royal family were put to the sword. The former was slain, the other two taken prisoners, with more than 300 knights and barons. In Gaul the Vandals fought a great battle with the Franks, in which they were defeated with the loss of 2000 men, and their king Godegisel was slain. His slain brother's wife had always been a painful sight for him, the reminder of his brother and a happier time before the Schism. ii. His men, however, apparently dismayed at the growing prestige of the enemy, did not support him, and he was defeated and probably slain. in 1483 and was slain on Bosworth Field in 1485. was slain after the battle of Tewkesbury (1471), while Edmund (Beaufort) duke of Somerset, a grandson of John of Gaunt, was slain at the first battle of St Albans (r455), and all his three sons were slain or beheaded. Attendant on them were the heralds, who were the officers of their military court, wherein offences committed in the camp and field were tried and adjudged, and among whose duties it was to carry orders and messages, to deliver challenges and call truces, and to identify and number the wounded and the slain. This was immediately followed by the destruction of the false prophets, slain by Elijah beside the brook Kishon (xviii. The Greek consciousness of the sin of murder, only dimly awakened in the Homeric period, and only sensitive at first when a kinsman or a suppliant was slain, gradually expands till the sanctity of all human life becomes recognized by the higher morality of the people: and the names of ZEUs M€tXL tos, the dread deity of the ghost-world whom the sinner must make " placable," of ZEUs `I ho-tos and IIpoorpora70s, to whom the conscience-striken outcast may turn for mercy and pardon, play a guiding-part in this momentous evolution.9 Even this summary reveals the deep indebtedness of early Greek civilization to this cult, which engendered ideas of importance for the higher religious thought of the race, and which might have developed into a monotheistic religion, had a prophet-philosopher arisen powerful enough to combat the polytheistic proclivities of Hellas. His father having neglected to sacrifice to Artemis, she sent a wild boar to ravage the laud, which was eventually slain by Meleager. who had long since dethroned and slain his brother Peter the Cruel, remained a consistent foe of England. Learn more. Here Stilicho was slain; here Honorius and his sister Placidia caressed and quarrelled; here Valentinian III. Having slain his uncle (or other relatives) he fled for refuge to Argos, where Adrastus received him hospitably and purified him from the guilt of blood. Their art (disciplina) consisted especially in deducing the will of the gods from the appearance presented by the entrails of the slain victim. I've slain demons for far less. While in Illyria, he received the news that Cassius had been slain by his own officers. Translations in context of "TO BE SLAIN" in english-swedish. In Greek art Leto usually appears carrying her children in her arms, pursued by the dragon sent by the jealous Hera, which is slain by the infant Apollo; in vase paintings especially she is often represented with Apollo and Artemis. He went to Pisa in Elis as suitor of Hippodameia, daughter of king Oenomaus, who had already vanquished in the chariot-race and slain many suitors for his daughter's hand. But what, in the opinion of most modern Moslems, and especially the Persians, confers the greatest sanctity on the day of Ashoora is the fact of its being that on which El-Hoseyn, the prophet's grandson, was slain a martyr at the battle of the plain of Karbala.". In 1663 it suffered from another Indian attack, a number of„ the inhabitants being slain or taken prisoners. 8)occurs the well-known story of his love for Sara, the beautiful daughter of Raguel, whose seven husbands were slain in succession by him on their respective bridal nights. The last Danish king of East Anglia was slain in. The exact chronology and relationship of these kings it is impossible to determine, but we know that Healfdene died in Scotland in 877, while Godefridus was treacherously slain by Henry of Saxony in 885. In 469 B.C. slain translate: participio pasado de “slay”. In 827 Ludeca, the successor of Beornwulf, was slain in battle with five of his earls. Probably the earliest human sacrifices were the bodies of enemies slain in battle. death of his brother Ibrahim Khan, slain by the West. Sigebert, king of the East Angles, founded a monastery here about 633, which in 903 became the burial place of King Edmund, who was slain by the Danes about 870, and owed most of its early celebrity to the reputed miracles performed at the shrine of the martyr king. In accordance with tradition this has been thought to mark the burial-place of Catigern, who was slain here in a battle between the Britons and Saxons in A.D. 2 The Hebrews held that the leaves of the fig-tree (the largest available tree in Palestine) served primitive man and that the Deity gave them skins for a covering - evidently after he had slain the animals (Gen. VALKYRIES (Old Norse valkyriur, "choosers of the slain"), figures of Northern mythology, generally represented as divine (less frequently human) maidens who ride through the air on Odin's service. On such matters as the compensation in cases of homicide, it is evident that there were no rules, but merely a feeling, created by use and wont, that the relatives of the slain man should be willing to accept payment. Four hundred warriors were slain, and a great number were captured. ), Rasun was slain and the inhabitants deported (2 Kings xvi. He won the bulwarks and some of his followers entered into the city, but the portcullis being let down these were cut off from their own party and were slain by the enemy. Kali, on the other hand, the most terrible of the goddess's forms, has a special service performed to her, at the Kali-puja, during the darkest night of the succeeding month; when she is represented as a naked black woman, four-armed, wearing a garland of heads of giants slain by her, and a string of skulls round her neck, dancing on the breast of her husband (Mahakala), with gaping mouth and protruding tongue; and when she has to be propitiated by the slaughter of goats, sheep and buffaloes. Fortunately there had been no sign of slain deer or wild dogs. But when news came that Antigonus had been defeated and slain at Ipsus (30r) by Lysimachus and Seleucus, Ptolemy occupied Palestine for the fourth time. Slain quotes from YourDictionary: All whom war, dearth, age, agues, tyrannies, Despair, law, chance, hath slain. Zaida, * who became a Christian under the name of Maria or Isabel, bore him the only son among his many children, Sancho, whom Alphonso designed to be his successor, but who was slain at the battle of Ucles in 1108. On receipt of the tidings of Mordred's treachery, Gawain accompanies Arthur to England, and is slain in the battle which ensues on their landing. 11, where an allusion is seen by some to the mourning for King Josiah, slain in battle at Megiddo. Among the slain was Sir John de Graham, the bosom friend of Wallace, whose death, as Blind Harry tells, threw the hero into a frenzy of rage and grief. 31. Our Little Korean Cousin | H. Lee M. Pike He was at length defeated in battle, … In 642, however, Oswald was slain by Penda in a battle at a place called Maserfeld, which has not been identified with certainty. When one of the latter, Fernan Sanchez, who had behaved with gross ingratitude and treason to his father, was slain by the legitimate son Pedro, the old king recorded his grim satisfaction. But both stories agree that thereafter a new wife was brought to him every night, and on the morrow passed into the second house of the women (Esther), or was slain (Nights). ), and his scarcely less renowned predecessor Farid ud-din Aflar, who was slain by the Moguls at the age of 114 lunar years in 1230 (627 A.H.). After his death Dynamis was compelled to marry an adventurer Scribonius, but the Romans under Agrippa interfered and set Polemon (14-8) in his place. Later on he is slain in battle, fighting in the ranks of Midian. The assault on Thebes was disastrous for the Seven; and Amphiaraus, pursued by Periclymenus, would have been slain with his spear, had not Zeus with a thunderbolt opened a chasm into which the seer, with his chariot, horses and charioteer, disappeared. A fight takes place, in which the son is slain by the father. At this moment the alarm was given, but the sentinel and the sleepy soldiers were slain and the cannon turned on the garrison. Examples of Slain in a sentence. Percy was slain; Douglas was the prisoner of England. If an unknown man was found slain, he was presumed to be a Norman, and the hundred was fined accordingly, unless it cculd be proved that he was English. SHARE. It is an amalgamation of the myth tof Beowa, the slayer of the water-demon and the dragon, with the historical legend of Beowulf, nephew and successor of Hygelac (Chochilaicus), king of the Geatas, who was defeated and slain (c. 520) while ravaging the Frisian coast. The Gileadites again conspired, and having slain his son Pekahiah set up Pekah the son of Remaliah in his place.'. B.) At least one of Damian's Guardians lay slain among the scores of vamps. She had been betrothed to Achilles, who was slain by Paris in the temple of Apollo Thymbraeus, where the marriage was to have been celebrated (Hyginus, Fab. Slain Sentence Examples. According to a later story, Achilles, after he had slain the Amazonian queen Penthesilea, bitterly lamented her death; for this he was reviled by Thersites, who even insulted the body of the dead queen. Gunther's brothers were subsequently slain while visiting Atli (Etzel), who married Gu3run after Sigurd's death. At midnight all the first-born of the Egyptians are slain and Pharaoh sends the Israelites out of Egypt in haste, and the people took the dough before it was leavened upon kneading troughs upon their shoulders. John Donne. In the retreat he once more displayed his powers as a swimmer, carrying to his ship the armour of thirty slain enemies. Declaring that he had never kept castle in the face of the enemy, Richard rashly offered battle, and was defeated and slain. His sons were slain before his eyes, and he himself was blinded and carried off to Babylon after a reign of eleven years. The town was at once strongly garrisoned, and when Lysander marched against it he was defeated and slain. According to the Scandinavian version he was slain by his brother-in-law Guttorm, according to the German version by the knight Hagen. Shortly afterwards, in 616, he was defeated and slain in battle on the river Idle by Edwin, who was assisted by the East Anglian king Raedwald. Gunther was accordingly slain by the queen's orders and his head was brought to Hagen, who cried out when he saw it that all had been accomplished as he had foretold: "Now none knows where the hoard is save God and I alone: That to thee, devil-woman, shall nevermore be known !". We hear but little as to Bleda, who died about 445, possibly slain by his brother's orders. Roxburgh castle was in English hands; James besieged it, and on the 3rd of August 1460 was slain by the bursting of one of his own huge siege guns. Fergal (711-722), in trying to enforce it again, was slain in a famous battle at Allen in Kildare. slain definition: 1. past participle of slay 2. past participle of slay 3. past participle of slay. synonyms. Brian was survived by two sons, Tadg and Donnchad, the elder of whom was slain in 1023. She married Seleucus Cybiosactes, but soon caused him to be slain, and married Archelaus, who had been made king of Comana in Pontus (or in Cappadocia) by Pompey. To overwhelm, as with laughter or love. Ahaziah was slain because of his friendship with Jehoram (2 Chron. Down), which forms the subject of a celebrated romance, Congal was slain and the power of the settlement in Kintyre weakened for a considerable period. During the Trojan War her husband was slain by Achilles, and after the capture of the city her son Astyanax (or Scamandrius) was hurled from the battlements (Eurip. If we may trust the evidence of Zosimus, from the end of the year 388 Theodosius resigned himself to gluttony and voluptuous living, from which he was only roused by the news that in the Western empire Arbogast had slain the young Emperor Valentinian and set up the grammarian Eugenius in his stead (May 15, 392). Find more ways to say slain, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Sometimes the sacrificer's hands are laid on the victim before it is slain, or he may be smeared with its blood; in other cases the blood is smeared on the door posts, or the sacrificer is touched on every part of the body with the victim's body. Any one who removed a boundary stone was accursed (sacer) and might be slain with impunity; a fine was afterwards substituted for the death penalty. Aegisthus being sent to murder Thyestes, mutual recognition took place, and Atreus was slain by the father and son, who seized the throne, and drove Agamemnon and Menelaus out of the country (Thucydides i. Richard, the son of Richard and Anne Mortimer, became third duke of York (1425), and was made protector of the realm 1 4541 455, being finally declared heir to the throne on the triumph of his side in 1460; but he was slain at the battle of Wakefield (Dec. 31, 1460). Alexander the Great placed Phrygia under the command of Antigonus, who retained it when the empire was broken up. 2. CNN: Source: Safe in slain couple's home contained $100,000. An Alabama man has been sentenced to 16 years in prison for the death of his wife, who was an … The vendetta - resulting, when successful, in the bringing back the head of the slain as a trophy to be set up as a house ornament - is widely practised.. On the way they slay their half-brother Erp, whom they suspect of lukewarmness in the cause; arrived in the hall of Ermanaric they make a great slaughter of the Goths, and hew off the hands and feet of Ermanaric, but they themselves are slain with stones. Another phase in the myth of Dionysus originated in observing the decay of vegetation in winter, to suit which he was supposed to be slain and to join the deities of the lower world. When about one half of his army had crossed, and while they were still in disorder, they were attacked with such fury by Wallace, that almost all - Cressingham among the number - were slain, or driven into the river and drowned. He is named Huso, after one of his slain uncles. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. In return he receives the souls of the slain who in his palace, Valhalla, live a life of fighting and feasting, similar to that which has been their desire on earth. Cressingham was slain, and Warenne fled to Berwick. Husband of slain Alabama online model sentenced to prison. Euphemius, a puppet emperor, was led about by his Saracen allies much as earlier puppet emperors had been led about by Alaric and Ataulf, till he was slain in one of the many sieges. She offers to release Orestes if he will carry home a letter from her to Greece; he refuses to go, but bids Pylades take the letter while he himself will stay and be slain. 2. His nephew Tandamane, received by the Upper country with acclamations, besieged and captured Memphis, Necho being probably slain in the encounter. Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths, endeavoured to form a confederacy with the Thu~ingi, Heruli and Warni against Clovis in order to protect the Visigoths in the early years of the 6th century, but very shortly afterwards the king of the Heruli was slain by the Langobardi and their existence as an independent power came to an end. He was warmly received by the Gileadites, and the first battle destroyed the party of Absalom, who was himself captured and slain by Joab. Shortly afterwards both brothers were slain by Penda of Mercia in his invasion of East Anglia, and Anna became king. After much checkered fighting Liewelyn was slain at the skirmish of Orewyn Bridge near Builth on the 11th of December 1282. At the same time they called the slain soldiers terrorists who are in, quote, eternal hell fire.. At the same time they called the slain soldiers terrorists who are in quote, "eternal hell fire". In the disastrous invasion of the land of the Hetware, in which Hygelac was killed, Beowulf killed many of the enemy, amongst them a chieftain of the Hugas, named Daghrefn, apparently the slayer of Hygelac. As the sentence is about to be carried into execution Lancelot and his kinsmen come to her rescue, but in the fight that ensues many of Arthur's knights, including three of Gawain's brothers, are slain. Malcolm, following the Zubdatu t-tawaribh, relates that Sheikh Haidar was vanquished and slain by the governor of Shirvan. Near Wrexham, but in a detached portion of Flintshire, to the S.E., is Bangor-is-coed (Bangor yn Maelor), the site of the most ancient monastery in the kingdom, founded before r80; some 1200 monks were slain here by IEthelfrith of Northumbria, who also spoiled the monastery. Lists. But the act was repudiated by Margaret of Anjou and her followers, and the duke was slain at Wakefield fighting against them. Boedhe, son of Kenneth III., left a daughter, Gruach, who inherited the claims of the unnamed son of Boedhe slain by order of Malcolm. slain in a sentence - 15. click for more sentences of slain... Sharon Peters, like Nicole Simpson, was slain at home. The more violent leaders, like Miinzer, renewed the old cry that the parsons must be slain. Part of Norway was first seized after the united Danes and Swedes had defeated and slain King Olaf Trygvesson at the battle of Svolde (1000); and between 1028 and 1035 Canute the Great added the whole kingdom to his own; but the union did not long survive him. The prophecy was fulfilled, for both were slain through the intrigues of Clytaemnestra (Odyssey, xi. Shortly afterwards, however, ZEthelwald was slain and his kingdom ravaged by the exiled West Saxon prince Ceadwalla. At Mile End the king met Wat Tyler; a lengthy and tumultuous conference, during which several persons were slain, took place, in which Tyler demanded the immediate abolition of serfdom and all feudal services, and the removal of all restrictions on freedom of labour and trade, as well as a general amnesty for the insurgents. Lincoln and Fitzgerald were slain; Lovel disappeared in the rout; the young impostor Simnel was taken prisoner. 502) was once more taken by the Persians, when 80,000 of its inhabitants were slain. Sentence with the word slain. ? FILE - This file photo provided by the Shelby County Jail shows William Jeffrey West, husband of slain Alabama online model Kathleen Dawn West, who was sentenced … The tradition of Gelert, Llewelyn's hound, being buried there is old in Wales; and common to it and India is the legend of a dog (or ichneumon) saving a child from a beast of prey (or reptile), and being killed by the child's father under the delusion that the animal had slain the infant. SHARE. See more. Slain OFW's employer gets death sentence in Kuwait ( - December 31, 2020 - 10:21am . Vladimirescu was slain by a Greek revolutionary agent, but Ypsilanti rashly continuing his enterprise after he had been repudiated by the Russian emperor, his forces were finally crushed by the Turks at Dragashani, in Walachia, and at Skuleni, in Moldavia; and the result of his revolt was a Turkish occupation of the principalities. They accordingly built a fleet at Naupactus, but before they set sail, Aristodemus was struck by lightning (or shot by Apollo) and the fleet destroyed, because one of the Heraclidae had slain an Acarnanian soothsayer. ONEONTA, Ala. (AP) - The son of an Alabama couple has been sentenced to prison for killing his parents and burying their bodies in a shallow grave. c. 860), often described as the first king of Scotland (kingdom of Scone), was the son of the Alpin, called king of the Scots, who had been slain by the Picts in 832 or 834, whilst endeavouring to assert his claim to the Pictish throne. As it was supposed by some that the spirits of the dead were eaten by the gods, the bodies of those slain in battle may have been eaten by their victors in triumph. part of the town is a monument to Magellan, who discovered the Philippines in March 1521, and was slain here by the natives late in the following month. To Regin, a notable smith, was sent Sigurd - son of the slain hero Sigmundr the Volsung and his wife Hiortis, now wife of the Danish king Alf - to be trained in his craft. This prince, who had slain an elder brother, died by poison (1485), after a reign of seven years. In 1303 it withstood for twenty days a siege in force by the English under Edward I., surrendering only when its governor, Sir Thomas Maule, had been slain. Another attempt in 222 produced a mutiny among the praetorians, in which Heliogabalus and his mother Soemias (Soaemias) were slain (probably in the first half of March). The Passover was kept at the full moon of the lunar month Nisan, the first of the Jewish ecclesiastical year; the Paschal lambs were slain on the afternoon of the, 4th Nisan, and the Passover was eaten after sunset the same day - which, however, as the Jewish day began at sunset, was by their reckoning the early hours of the r 5th Nisan; the first fruits (of the barley harvest) were solemnly offered on the 16th. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Disguising himself so that his dead body might not be recognized, he turned upon the pursuers and was slain after a desperate resistance (6th of October 1620). The number of corpses found slain in the war-stricken city is growing rapidly. He is represented as the son of a widow, "la dame veuve," his father having been slain in tourney, battle or by treachery, either immediately before, or shortly after his birth. It told how Achilles, having slain the Amazon Penthesileia and Memnon, king of the Aethiopians, who had come to the assistance of the Trojans, was himself slain by Paris (Alexander), whose arrow was guided by Apollo to his vulnerable heel (Virgil, Aen. This is the ghat where some 600 helpless people were slain, in spite of a promise of safe-conduct from the Nana. In 956 Congalach, the high-king, was defeated and slain by the Norse of Dublin. . 3 (where they have been slain), and viii. 5 1 The princess would slay him, but is withheld by her mother, who sees they have need of Tristan's aid to unmask the seneschal. Their soldiers overtook the brothers; Yahya was slain, and Abd-ar-rahman saved himself by fleeing first to Syria and thence to northern Africa, the common refuge of all who endeavoured to get beyond the reach of the Abbasids. At last he was defeated and slain (1731); but his successor, Osai Apoko, made further acquisitions towards the coast. James IV.who had refused to quit the field was slain in the forefront of the battle, with the greater part of his nobles; with him fell also some 10,000 or 12,000 of his men, Scotland, with her military power brought low, and an infant king on the throne, was a negligible quantity in international politics for some years. He was defeated by Caesar at Zela, and on his return to Rome was slain by a pretender Asander who married his daughter Dynamis, and in spite of Roman nominees ruled as archon, and later as king, until 16 B.C.

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