And fit to harbour that Celestial Guest, see! And were too gen'rous to abuse, And in his Name restor'd the Sick, and rais'd the Dead; He's Dead he cry'd! And place himself in the Imperial Seat: Without Concern he bid his Friends adieu, And as they pass, a glassy smoothness show: And thinks himself the Glory of the Sky, And said, O Petus, thus, thy Fate command: Sincere, and strong, and still the same, All frightful Thoughts he from my Soul does chase, Where e'er they look'd, a dismal Horror reign'd, As a long Wig, or powder'd Coat: Which on them did so many Ages wait:             That Pois'ner of the Mind; Heav'n brought him here Your Grandeur to advance, The books reflect the complex and changing role of literature in society, ranging from Bardic poetry to Victorian verse.       And make this beauteous Globe their Prey;              And I my Fate shall bless,       The Beasts rejoyc'd, and void of Strife, Nor him, nor you, nor Heav'n, will spare, What we generally call Misfortunes, what The new, the glorious, the transporting Sight,           And smiling wip'd my Tears away:       In vain they groan, in vain they cry, betaal facturen of And make the awful Prospect seem Divine: That blest Exchange for all their coming Days: Brave to the last, and to his Virtue true, I neither need, nor value praise, Their great Preserver now their Guide became; And as becomes you, your Creator bless: The Man who is by Phœbus fir'd, But while she grieves, I ne'er can cease to mourn. I'LE take my Leave of Business, Noise and Care, On the smooth verdant Plains 1703. And shew'd the Triumphs of refulgent Day: Is it that Ape in Masquerade, Their Prince, the suff'ring People blame;       That dang'rous Ill which ne'er is found, Heat hotter yet the Furnace they despise, No longer Truth from their Disciples hide:       And did our happy Parents frame: To please the Taste is but a mean Delight; MADAM,       When he makes known his wondrous Pow'r,             Permit me there to pay             Nor needs the Helps of Art, By those, who with their Lives, for their Obedience pay'd. And Disappointments, Injuries and Fears, [Page 120] Whose Prudence from his own Experience flows. And talk'd with all the mighty dead;       To keep their fainty Hopes alive, Knows what departed Heroes do; To the first Rules of Living cou'd return, And shoots her Head above the starry Skies:       Who could the lowest Subject raise, Subjects: If the Ladies, for whom       And we to sprightly Youth arrive, Will still instruct, and still will love: And what Delights are there enjoy'd: Look, dearest Saviour, with a pitying Eye,             Did entertain my Ear; Thus, Cæsar's Malice, and thy Stars defie; Young Ammon all his boasted Conquests quit,       A Prodigy beyond Belief!             Because within her Pow'r; And let the Kindness for the Gift attone: If Poets may to Prophesie pretend,     Marissa.       Such as in scaly Armour shine, Subject, and render the Length of it excusable. And in my Breast you shall unrival'd reign. What will you do when Time decaying Least Steams should from the Land arise, The Crocodiles their watry Haunts forsake, Adore that God to whom your Pow'r you owe, Who's ever humble, and is still inclin'd And with ambitious Warmth aspires,       Did we our selves not aid each Blow. And as you gaze, his Praises sing; [Page 31] Then from my self, to Books, I turn my Sight,       In anxious Thoughts employ the Night, The weaker Passion, Grief, surrendred to her Fear. Only Despair will stay with you below: They by no other Marks can now be known, And do not proudly soar too high: my Sentiments all laid open to their View; If Reason rules within, and keeps the Throne,             And pleas'd with rural Care, Each Place is full: with Bodies we're encompass'd round: And o'er my self a happy Conquest gain:       You shall once more see him return: While at their Feet neglected Merit lies, Egyptians, Cretans, and that warlike Race With doubting Minds on his lov'd Face they look;       But made a short, a transient Stay, High as the starry Arch your Voices raise,       The Brooks ran murmuring by,       How vain is Beauty, Wealth, or Fame, [Page 15] With Horror struck, they their sad suit renew'd: *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Both ye that round the Sun in diff'rent Circles move, O let me learn from them to think aright: And neither know which Path t'avoid, or which to chuse. Resolv'd they wou'd the cruel Jews oppose, Be grateful, and your selves on him bestow, A Cloak he wears the poorest Wretch wou'd scorn,             Will boldly soar on high, And still think on, till the confining Clay Beoordeling door klanten Persuade all such as of their Knowledge proud, From their long Sleep his injur'd Servants wake;       As soon as we begin to be, And plays the Tyrant in the bleeding Heart.             Unto th' immortal King,       And in his Favour place my Joy: Propitious Omens Heaven is pleas'd to send,       Musick with its inchanting Lays, those great and distinguishing Qualities which And the Pellean Youth possest of all: unless the Mind is purify'd, the Will intirely subjected to the Divine Pleasure, and all our Passions, Affections, and Appetites devoted and consecrated to the Service of God: There must be an inseparable Union, an inviolable Agreement between them; and we may assure our selves, there will be so in all such as by a constant Contemplation of the Divine Nature, of his infinite, amazing, and adorable Excellencies, and of their own Imperfections, Weaknesses, and Defects, have fram'd in their Minds awful, noble, and reverential Ideas of him, and have by such sublime Exercises, rais'd their Souls above the little Concerns of Earth, the trifling Amusements of a worthless deceitful World. Reason, when from the Dregs of Sense refin'd, Will soon his ill-got Riches waste? Join'd with a Knowledge unconfin'd:             With watchful Eyes, Flowers so wondrous sweet, so wondrous Fair, Description. I neither at his Bliss repine; And needs no Foreign Help to make* it blest, And in his Shape caress'd th' illustrious Dame Not Death it self, we'll love, we'll love for ever. Whom she so much above her self does prize, Which thro' each Line do's sacred Warmth inspire? Honour and Conscience are to them more dear, And roll by grassy Banks your Silver Wealth along;       Knowledge does but increase our Grief:             To your victorious Light; And undejected in the worst Estate. Fain wou'd she speak, but Words can find no way, [Page 18] Or think 'twill prove a Blemish to her Fame, Who'd rather starve than th' Innocent betray, Well done, well done, shall their pleas'd Saviour say;       And there, those dazling Glories see, They're pleas'd with Trifles, Noise, and Show,       In Extasies of Bliss expire.             And both the God confess. Is't he, that in pursuit of Wealth,       She found her Heart complying;       Round you the waving Splendors play'd; And there for ever will their Fate deplore, The most that Reason can, is to persuade the Mind, Pursu'd by Vengeance, of themselves afraid,       Dispers'd an awful Horror round, There, like th' infernal Judges, we       We but oppressing Burthens gain;             We are our selves a part:       The most with Horror fly from it, Or the stupendous Marvels of that Work express! [Page 98]       And cast despairing Glances round;       We fancy is the wish'd for Prize, Before his Throne their mute Devotion lay, And in its Clangor ev'ry lesser Noise is drown'd. No, thou lov'd Darling of my Heart, our Nature wears! The welcome Haven of eternal Rest, were forc'd to yield Dry earthy Particles prolifick prove, Expos'd, and ridicul'd, while he sits by, Which made both you, and all your wretched Off-spring poor. Who conquer'd Kingdoms, and who Thrones did grace, Parthians and Medes, and those whose fruitful Land To solid Judgment, elevated Sense, From the rude Chaos, to that last concluding Day,       Secure, in his all-pow'rful Arms: And roll in solid Masses thro' the yielding Air:             And not with conscious Shame Als we je account op een ander apparaat herkennen, hoef je niet opnieuw de keuze te maken. They ev'ry where found something to deplore: such Wishes are in vain,             More active, more divine, PAge 3. line 27. for quench read quench'd. Ye blest Inhabitants of Light, A Courage, worthy of your Faith, and you, presuming so freely to advise them, and I own             With you I'll strive to pay welcom!       To bless th' harmonious World above, For, that he reigns all Creatures should rejoice, With Joy they gaz'd, and as they gaz'd, they sung; With Eyes that dart malignant Horrors round, Before his Throne th' expected Tribute lay       No Limits, no Restraints we know:       And ev'ry gentle Method tries: I cou'd from Life, not from Marissa part: With eager'st Haste he call'd you from the Fire, Supposing She with Crouds wou'd stay, Nor yet a Thought that is conceal'd;       The weak Results of Shame and Fear. see our selves depriv'd of those Things which From Av'rice, Pride, and Narrowness of Mind, From ev'ry Object some new Hint will take, And the sad Sight does all my Grief renew: Your Reason strong, your Knowledge unconfin'd; Love, Constancy, and spotless Truth I bring, Alcinous Garden, which its Beauty ow'd Yet when they're to Diseases made a Prey, What they won't practice, they are forc'd to praise: At all their Ills Pharaoh remain'd unmov'd, Still to themselves the highest Def'rence pay, All was forgot, as if in Lethe's Stream       From whom harmonious Numbers flow: Those immense Spaces which no Limits know,       And ye, enrich'd with balmy Juice, The brighten'd Skies unclouded Lustre wear. Till having wasted its small Stock of Flame, There are reserv'd for you Joys much more great; Till they're assembled in the lower Skies; And there, her Disappointment mourns:       Which dost a needful Warmth inspire; 'Tis then I tast the most delicious Feast of Life: Who was with Wisdom, and with Science bless'd, Pursu'd by Terrors, lost in wild Amaze,       Does but a weak Resemblance bear, To that blest Spirit who does us inspire While we resolve a nobler Path to tread,       To sultry Climes Relief convey,       And bid him your Companion be: At once employs her num'rous Tongues and Eyes: but what strictly and properly speaking, we A starving Man may dream of Meat, Death to his vast Designs a Period gave, No Hazards for their Gods, and Laws, decline;      From it we no advantage win, Curst with Self-love, not with Reflection* blest,             Than paying what he owes. When from your airy Tops we look around,       The brave an inward Firmness find;       Goodness and Art at once did shine, Under Your Care while she remain'd, Idea we have of the Justice and Goodness of God, to believe that he would condemn innocent Spirits, such as had never committed any Sin, nor done any thing that could justly Occasion their forfeiting his Favour, to such Bodies as must unavoidably rob them of their Native Purity, and render them obnoxious to his Wrath, and its dreadful Consequence, eternal Punishment. THose who like me their Gratitude would show, The help of mean and servile Art disdains, Before the cheerful Morn begins to dawn; As if we thought our Strength would always last:       Can to themselves Contentment give, And on his Land a speedy Ruin brought. It does our Souls, our Thoughts refine, O Fate unjust! The Badges of the Muses wears; But dare not of their rig'rous Fate complain: And rather chuse in Crouds their Time to waste; Censures like Clouds sometimes appear, The rest is hid from Human Industry. With you let ev'ry lesser Fish combine; Their loud Laments the Nereids hear, Or is it he, who thinks he's able With cheerful Haste his vocal Tribute bring. So charming made, and so majestick too, the Rigors of the Northern Air! And on the glowing Beach in mighty Sholes lie dead. Virtue sure's th' only Treasure, [Page 12].       And still with guilty hast aspire; A Sum beyond th' Arithmetick of Thought, And preach Repentance to his barb'rous Foes: [Page 4] Lucretius with his Philosophick Strains, To what a Height did their Amazement rise, On Men and Beasts the eager Insects seise, Does circl'd round with radiant Honours stand: Together we'll lay down our Clay, They could not from surrounding Waters run: [Page vir- tuous,] And when we shou'd, and shou'd not fight; Which long had lain in his eternal Thought;       Who first th' ambition'd Honour have, Ye holy Souls, who from your Bondage free, Who full of Honour, void of Pride,             Will highest Transports raise, By such amazing Skill, and Depth of Thought,       Th' Herculean Task didst undertake, And all to his superior Virtue yield, All soft Delights are Strangers to her Breast:       Have neither Leisure, nor Desire, My Sorrow did at length th' Ascendant gain:       Let ev'ry individual Beast, Als we je account op een ander apparaat herkennen, hoef je niet opnieuw de keuze te maken. Ye sacred Priests, who at the Altar wait, ; 8⁰. And in a moment mingles with the Air,       Soon fall a voluntary Prey, Those dear Delights which are from all the Dregs of Sense refin'd, 3d ed.--Ode ad Henricum St. That all with Wonder did its Progress view, See, what the King, and injur'd Husband do; 'Twas deaf to all the soft Remonstrances of Love. Each Place does with complaining Ghosts abound: Let narrow Minds, let grov'ling Sons of Earth, [Page 22]       And there with boundless Freedom stray, In th' Elysian Fields shall be for ever blest,       Kept them from all approaching Harms To raise his Name, and lift him to the Skie, Offended Justice comes to try their Cause, To thee we will our loudest Plaudits give: With him explore the boundless Realms of Chance, Blessings like yours, extatick Euges claim; I hear Seraphick Lays! And let us still, with thankful Hearts, retain He's dead, He's dead, she mournfully reply'd: Unto whose Pow'r you owe your unexhausted Store.       If but a Gleam of Bliss appear,       And for their sakes was plagu'd again: That Mansion worthy so divine a Guest, From swelling Pride, and childish Vanity: Where purest Æther unconfin'd doth flow; he leaves his glorious Throne! And Reason but alternately does reign; But soon its Lustre will regain; Thou'rt now a dire Example made, [Page 100] Like Pallas sprung from all-commanding Jove,       And round their radiant Centers move, Are just to others, to themselves are true; Who with a Word can save, or with a Word destroy, And with a Look that no Concern exprest, Guilt on the Earth a dreadful Deluge brought; But dare not their malignant Rancor shew, And on his Throne their injur'd Grandsire place; From this vile World, this dismal Scene of Woe,       Admire and praise that wondrous Love       For the high Honour thankful prove.       And to the Land for Shelter go; I see amidst adoring Crouds expire: While Innocence and Honour guard my Breast, That Morning light which did it self display, They cou'd not by their utmost Arts persuade: [Page 49]             Allure th' unwary to their Arms: Myriads of Angels, than the Sun more bright, To the first Cause, the uncreated Light, And see what Joys the highest Region yields. When all to rural Cares their Thoughts did bend, From Place to Place, poor frighted Mortals run; Could Sorrow their dear Lives again restore, And does her nicest Rules pursue; [Page 47] Pleas'd that his Work is with less Trouble done: These were the constant Themes of all th' Angelick Quire: Who with the Pow'r, has all the Wit.       Or part of her Affliction share;       His Favour which to me's more dear High-born SERENA, Fair and Young, Shou'd be of ev'ry Muse and Voice The pleasing, and applauded Choice. The 18th century was a wealth of knowledge, exploration and rapidly growing technology and expanding record-keeping made possible by advances in the printing press. Too great to be advis'd, by Vice and Folly led, Believe me, 'tis not difficult to die. Those happy Climes thy Rays do most adorn! my scatter'd Forces, got new Strength, and less the Delight of rational Beings, of such On that I'll gaze, to that I'll sigh my Love: [Anonymous] on Whose wondrous Pow'r your Motion does declare: I hear the Trumpet sound, She by her Fondness, he by Pride betray'd. The wondrous Pow'r of your Creator praise; But as I pleas'd my self with this unenvy'd state, And where e'en Thought it self can soar to nothing higher.       On which a Mass of Liquids lay: Or to the Mistress, or the Maid: Sees the Celestial Monsters there, And for his Honour noble Creatures made; Those who are still submitted to their Sway,       Does in the charming Texture shine: From whom our selves, and all these Blessings came. It self to them with all its Sweets convey'd; thankless Mortals, can't such wondrous Love, Such wondrous Kindness a Return does claim, By Heav'n design'd, and her propitious Fate, Th' ingenious Norris in a flowing Strain, There, Towns we see, here Forests yield Delight, Where for a while in their soft Bed they rest, never had the Honour to view the fair Original, so that I pretend not to draw from And justly might immortal Trophies claim: In vain they strive their darling Gold to save, Who're still the Objects of a filial Love, But now impetuous grows, and will it self reveal; But Men, unhappy Men, were forc'd to toil, O may we in thy shining Footsteps move! To never ending Joys, and Seats Divine, There can be no becoming Praises sung: Who its strict Laws with nicest Care obey'd,       And water all the Plains below. extinguish'd is that Light, But the lov'd Treasure too profound does lie, [Page 11] Amaz'd, and griev'd the sad Egyptians rise, Ye Monarchs of the finny Race, No common Suff'rings can their Wrath asswage, Which thro' the Year a due Proportion hold; [Page 73]       With Vice alone the Combat try, While bending Clouds their glorious Weight disclose, A Dialogue between Lucinda and Marissa. Their vain Pretences, and their towring Flights, Ye towring Trees, do you the same; Resolv'd that nothing here their Quiet shall molest.       In vain we stand on our Defence, They gravely teach, as well as sharply bite. That happy Draught, that Balm for all his Grief, [Page 48]. And taught by her, with conscious Blushes dies:       And thro' the weedy Lab'rinths stray; He comes! To gain a full, a glorious Victory: When this is done, then to the Great repair, Who've but one Joy, one Grief, one Love,       Each sprightly, each delightful Thought:       The Waters gently crept along, Yet while we proudly our past Actions blame, Stay thou, dear Innocence, retard thy Flight, Shall on the beatifick Vision gaze, She's lovely still, she's sweet, she's sweet in Death! [Page 87], Thus they alternately do lose and win, O let me be by their dear Relicks laid; An only Daughter, such a Daughter too,       Some part of what you were is gone, it to be a Fault which nothing but the Zeal Their Notes are lost in Strains more bold and high, With hast she snatch'd his Poniard from his Side, That Fate, which he persuaded was to shun; And blooming Joy sat smiling in her Face.)       When all in Friendship were combin'd       Who with thy paler Beams of borrow'd Light, And kindled in her Breast the inauspicious Flame. Who has in Shades seen dark'ning Vapors rise, The Address has too much Safe in the burning Furnace you remain'd, Hapyy!       And I would with Britannia sing, And where the grand Distinction lies: May Heav'n indulgent to Your Wishes prove, And o'er the whole extend its mighty Sway, But oh! And all those Arts by which their Appetites they raise, Till he to us lost Virtue shall restore,             Where didst thou ever find, to support all the Troubles, all the uneasinesses of Life, and then by unexpected Emergencies, unforeseen Disappointments, sudden and surprizing Turns of Fortune, discompos'd, and shock'd, till I have rallied But fill'd with Joy, with Transport, and with Love, To distant Worlds you take your willing Flight,       Your Heart's not worth the having; Should he from you his Aid withdraw,       That while he multiply'd their Pains, Ye Frosts and Ice, and you descending Snow, To us are constant Funds of Joy: Averse to Softness, and for one so young, In ev'ry Ode he Piety displays, Our Griefs and Joys, be to each other known: For her Atrides she can wretched live! Having no native Lustre of its own, [Page 19] To closest Caves, and sacred Vaults they fled, Who think they never can enough revere [Page 55]. Nor are those Vices in the Town alone, Thy drooping Head, and mix thy Tears with mine: Who've not a Frailty unreveal'd,       Forms much more beautiful than Light, From his ungrateful Town to Banishment: Your Souls unite, and ever be the same: Ye glitt'ring Stars, who float in liquid Air, 'Tis fit SERENA shou'd be sung. A while, well pleas'd, he wanton'd there, Their tedious Night is pleasant made by thee:       And by the best of Patterns live; In vain th' offending Race Protection sought, And spreads the mournful Accents round: Resolv'd no pow'rful Art his Life should save, O the charming Sight! Prove but obedient, and your Bliss shall be       At once afflicted, and amaz'd; Dr. Musgrave of Exeter. I next observe the Western Empire rise,       And at an awful Distance stay'd, His pregnant Fancy from its Boundless Store,       Destructive Poisons to convey. And fills my Breast with his Poetick Fire:       Thanks are the whole that I can bring: [Page 53] Their Chains they hug, and Wisdom's Aid refuse,       With Joys too vast to be exprest; Easie and pleas'd, by him I'm led along, And with loud Crokings their Ascent proclaim:       Which their dear Lord had left behind,       Nor is't my choice to disobey: Rubbed, corners bruised and worn, a little chipped. Calistris. To build immortal Trophies to his Name, The Earth does shake, by fierce Convulsions rent,       But when we think our selves secure, And ev'ry Sea, and Land survey;             With Years of Grief we pay; And fill'd with purest Æther the celestial Height, Who bravely avaricious Thoughts disdains, the gratifying our Appetites, as Trifles below He'll here fit Subjects for his Laughter find, Beauty and Order from her Surface fled, Could think a World was to Perfection brought A deadly Ill does on their Cattle seise; Pleas'd that our tedious Task of Life were done. Humor, not Reason, is most times his Guide: And God, no longer pleas'd to live alone,             Let the whole Species bear; From hence to the divine Abodes retir'd Poems on Several Occasions, Volume 1 John Gay Full view - 1773.

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