Titles. You will be prompted to enter data into 6 screens and then upload your manuscript. Journal Aims and Scope. Aims and Scope | Submission | Manuscript Categories and Requirements | Preparing the Submission | Editorial Policies and Ethical Considerations | Author Licensing | Publication Process After Acceptance | Post Publication 1. Word limit: Abstract, no more than 300 words; manuscript, no more than 4000 words (excluding abstract and references); provide the manuscript word count on the abstract page of your manuscript. For all manuscripts that received an initial review in the first half of 2019, median time was 61 days. Body of Manuscript. Authors should submit their manuscript through on- line submission process of PTJ website: http://ptj.uswr.ac.ir, For further information please contact us with the PTJ mail Box: [email protected]. All measurement evaluation studies must follow the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN); refer to the COSMIN checklist for guidance. Authors should declare sources of funding for the work undertaken, too. Any corrections needed thereafter will necessitate the editorial office sending instructions for manually accessing the form in Manuscript Central. Papers presented at a scientific meeting usually will not be considered to constitute prior publication, but such presentations should not be amplified by additional data or copies of tables and illustrations. © 2021 All Rights Reserved | Physical Treatments - Specific Physical Therapy Journal, Physical Treatments - Specific Physical Therapy Journal. In many situations, PTJ has a 12-month embargo period. Should the skin cancer examination be taught in medical school? Tables/figures: No more than 6 (combined total); additional tables/figures can be supplied as supplemental material. Abstract. Management and dosing of warfarin therapy. Supplemental files can include tables, figures, appendixes, video clips, PowerPoint files, or Excel spreadsheets. Third-party content in open access papers. Title. For more information on the journal’s ethical principles, please refer to following links: - PTJ’s Principles of Publishing Ethics In the unmasked version of your paper: Include authors’ professional credentials, terminal academic degrees (eg, PT, DPT; MD, PhD), affiliations, and acknowledgments (be sure to get permission from those you want to acknowledge in your publication). Word limit: Abstract, no more than 300 words; manuscript, no more than 4000 words (excluding abstract and references); provide the word count on the abstract page of your manuscript. All individuals listed as authors should qualify for authorship and should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. This image/content is not covered by the terms of the Creative Commons license of this publication. Does your study involve human participants that are individual or clusters of patients and/or community participants? Example for corresponding author: A.M. Jette, PT, PhD, Department of Physical Therapy, MGH Institute of Health Professions, 36 1st Avenue, Boston, MA 02129 (USA). The Journal of Hand Therapy is designed for hand therapists, occupational and physical therapists, and other hand specialists involved in the rehabilitation of disabling hand problems. Authors are encouraged to provide a trial treatment manual as a supplemental appendix. Word limit: 300 words. Word limit: Abstract, no more than 300 words; manuscript, no more than 2000 words (excluding abstract and references); provide the manuscript word count on the abstract page of your manuscript. Report percentages to 1 decimal place (ie, xx.x %). Case reports should follow the CARE guidelines. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), general writing and formatting instructions, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement, How to prepare a review for submission to, CONsolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials (CONSORT), Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic accuracy (STARD). Use accepted Index Medicus abbreviations of journal names (see the. Two large registries are: ClinicalTrials.gov (http://www.clinicaltrials.gov), which is free; International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (http://www.controlled-trials.com/isrctn/). Editorials should be no more than 2000 words with a maximum of three authors (unless agreed with the Journal Editor before the work begins) and 20 references. By 2015 the journal will not be able to publish any Clinical Trials that are unregistered prior to recruitment of the first participant. Reply to ‘letter to the editor concerning ‘effects of physical therapy for temporomandibular disorders on headache pain intensity: A systematic review’ by Castien & Scholten-Peeters Hedwig A. van der Meer, Leticia B. Calixtre, Raoul H.H. Address all correspondence to Dr Jette at: [email protected]. To help the reader, PTJ recommends that Original Research, Trial Protocol, and Case Report authors submit supplementary materials such as study protocols, treatment manuals, detailed descriptions of evaluation and intervention procedures, treatment progression algorithms, etc. The layout and style should adhere strictly to the instructions given and in particular, the reference style of the Physical Treatments Journal (PTJ). Once you have your user ID and password, login, click on your Author Center, and then click on Submit First Draft of New Manuscript. So, the research’s ethical considerations must be addressed in the Materials and Methods section. Letters to the Editor provide reader perspectives on articles published in. Word limit: 300 words. POVs frequently include calls to action. Manuscript Submission Guidelines for Clinical Rehabilitation. Quick Search anywhere. In the unmasked version of your paper: Include authors’ professional credentials, terminal academic degrees (eg, PT, DPT; MD, PhD), affiliations, and acknowledgments (be sure to get permission from those you want to acknowledge in your publication).
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