And yes the password is not displayed so you have to remember what you typed........ Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, - Download & Setup OctoPrint, Forgotten username and password to SSH into Pi. OctoPi is configured to use DHCP on the wired connection and no additional configuration is necessary. OctoPrint works with most popular 3D printers. So you type and type, never knowing the damn thing is in qwerty and you are on a azerty so it never log's in. Doesn't have to be technical, by any means, we understand English. Download: 1.76 Mbit/s Use more powerful models like the 3B+ or the latest RPI 4 to take full advantage of Octoprint. Just not possible really. The guide talked about finding your router IP, logging in to it and checking your Rpi's IP that way. The SSH user name is: pi, and the password is: raspberry. And thus is expected as normal by ppl with that exp. At some point, I suppose I should go back and delete the "OctoPi 0.14 or older" stuff. "Wifi settings are good" is NOT an example of providing good documentation. For ex. I believe you should consider a hardware failure of the RPi's WiFi. Then it struck me, raspberry pi 3 doesn't support 5GHz wifi, only 2.4GHz. report it here. Meteyou's GitHub project Mainsail is a lightweight & responsive web interface for the Klipper 3D printer firmware. Now i can't do that anymore and there is a huge cable in the way. Best Raspberry Pi for OctoPrint. Once the AstroPrint plugin is installed on your OctoPi, and you have logged into your FREE AstroPrint Cloud account, you will be able to access, control, and monitor your 3D Printer from AstroPrint Mobile, AstroPrint Desktop, and the AstroPrint Web Portal. And i meen it's good but damn is this program unnecessarily complex and frustrating. Enable Faster WiFi File Uploads * Web UI. I changed it to just 111. i changed nothing else, how the f can it be incorrect?! Took me 3 days to find out how to get that info XD (providers like to make it very difficult here, protecting everything even in your own user menu). I'm glad it still has some utility (I've not reviewed it with more recent versions of OctoPrint/OctoPi, but hopefully things have not changed enough to invalidate what is here.). The RPi just does not see any Wifi networks anymore. This is not that uncommon. After I uninstalled them, the networktraffic was OK again. From Windows 10 I've tried octopi.lan, octopi.local, octopi.lan.local, the IP, the IP.local. (and try to keep your emotions out of it). Bed Leveling. I think what @b-morgan's point is, there was not much information describing the processes or what you ended up with. "The LAN cable should go to your router." Hehe, no no, i removed the comments. report it here. providing exact details) so that others can help provide a solution. It helps you build relationships with your on-site visitors, guests, and customers. Connecting to WiFi. Then you can add the many plugins to Octoprint to allow it to completely control the 3D Printer while you are home or away form home. In addition to using Mobile and Desktop, you’ll be able to access your OctoPi from any web enabled device by logging in at After logging in SSH, right there in the header, are like 4 different strings you can use to access the pi! The Mobile app lets you monitor prints, start/stop prints, search and print from Thingiverse, check out your printing stats, save files in the cloud, slice files in the cloud, and more. Some of them (like myself) are also programmers / information technology professionals but we hang out here and try to help because we are also 3D printing enthusiasts. PrintJobHistory You’ll be able to print directly to your printer from websites like the NIH 3D Print Exchange, 3DaGoGo and TinkerCad. I was not emotional, that why i used the ***, to keep it civil :). Report bugs or feature requests for the plugin to the plugin author (e.g. No more wifi on the Pi. Sample Code for Web Interface. Boot the Pi from the card. Very little of the Pi users have 0 experience with programming. Nozzle Cleaning. weird network activity, unannounced tracking, ...) and There have been enough new versions since then, that I'm guessing it no longer has any use. These next two notes apply to when connecting using the Android & iOS apps. Had no problems with it for nearly a year. You can connect from anywhere: local network, out-of-network wifi, or via your phone’s data network. Access the Web UI. I've been pulling my hair out for a few days now. Log into your Pi via SSH (it is located at octopi.local if your computer supports bonjour or the IP address assigned by your router), default username is "pi", default password is "raspberry". And the ones that do just ask ppl to do it for them or find a work around instead of fix it. OctoPi version : 0.17.0, I also have turned off Power Management:off. What is in there won't solve (or even diagnose) every problem, but it did cover the bulk of the problems folks were experiencing at the time it was written. "Wifi settings are good" is NOT an example of providing good documentation. Maintenance Links. Testing download speed................................................................................ Some amount of experience / knowledge on using a Linux system in a Windows environment is desirable, but for most first-time OctoPrint users, the setup documentation contains enough detail to get them started and is not "unnecessarily complex". If this plugin has been confirmed as abandoned by its maintainer, please By leveraging this tool we can combine all the benefits of a fast and beautiful interface with the power and flexibility of Klipper firmware. If there is something wrong with this listing (broken links & images etc), please My point above is related to this - provide exactly what you have, if you want to take the wifi password out instead then fine, that is perfectly understandable. Since only a few have come here asking for help, I believe it is fair to say it isn't difficult. Once the AstroPrint plugin is installed on your OctoPi, and you have logged into your FREE AstroPrint Cloud account, you will be able to access, control, and monitor your 3D Printer from AstroPrint Mobile, AstroPrint Desktop, and the AstroPrint Web Portal. The wifi just stopped working one day. What I've gathered so far is that what used to work for you doesn't work anymore and you haven't changed anything. If this plugin is doing something suspicious (e.g. Nothing changed with the wifi, the Raspberry just wont connect anymore. is what i have. No more wifi on the Pi. Rerouting Bed Heater Wiring. Nop, can't seem to find it anywhere. My Versions Open a brand new, Get Help, topic and provide ALL the details requested in the template (and try to keep your emotions out of it). Try to login to Octopi on the network? Not gone find any wifi anymore" Wife is fine, working on it day in day out. Extruder Calibration. "You are obviously having problems, but you are not communicating with us in a manner that lends itself to helping you fix it." Now I have to wait to see if this was your mistake, or if it is just a copy paste without checking to see that yours had the correct edits. This one. It happens in most branches. Use the free AstroPrint Mobile app (iOS & Android) to connect to your OctoPi. I have a direct connection to my PC so i can use Octoprint to print from Pc to printer again. Where could i go further with my analysis? Most ppl with a Pi are already at home in programming. Raspberry Pi Zero W has no 5GHz Wi-Fi (only 2.4GHz), and a somewhat weak processor. Oc useless now as there is no connection, so ni RPi IP. Uncomment the 4 lines which have a single # front of them by deleting the # (do not delete any spaces after the #), then enter your WiFi network SSID (your network's "name") and the password in the indicated places. Pushover notifications for the OctoPrint 3D printer Pabbly Connect. But like to think i know my way around a PC. WiFi. Remotely start / stop prints, monitor prints, pre-heat, etc. You can also access 3rd party applications here to do things like: Cloud based file repair, print queuing, and more. Fix Function List plugin with Notepad++ 5.9.4 Windows 7/Vista Quick, basic HTML5 template MYSQL change root user password and case sensitive table names Fix illegal mix of collations 3DプリンターをWi-Fi化 今までプリントする際のデータ(G-code)はSDカード経由で3Dプリンターに取り込んでいたが、プリントするたびにPC-3Dプリンター間でSDカードの抜き差しをするのが面倒になってきた。 そこで、Wi-Fi経由で3Dプリンターを操作できる環境を構築することにした。 One of the following plugins was the trigger: But the wifi let me download plugins etc. Having to install Octopi for a 4the time now following this guide. Unless folks think there is some point in keeping that here? Octoprint Easy Setup: While this is written for the Monoprice Select Mini 3D Printer (that for example you can find here on Amazon,) it should work for any 3D printer with a USB port.You will need:A Raspberry Pi 3B (for example here on Amazon. No need to be limited to local networks. TouchUI is an amazing plugin for OctoPrint. OctoPrint Connection Fix Plugin. )A micro USB power supply fo… But for some reason after a few weeks it did not show up anymore. For this site ( - Download & Setup OctoPrint) is in English, it is to assume that the OS is setup to English too. I can SSH into it just using the IP, why can't Windows connect?! report the plugin as suspicious here. This well written guide takes you through all the steps necessary to troubleshoot WiFi problems but if there's anything here that's unclear to you, please ask specific questions and we'll try and help. I tried and tried and even reinstalled Octopi, but couldn't get it to connect to my new wifi router. Like a car mechanic assuming most ppl know some stuff about a car when talking about it. @b-morgan - spot on and exactly why I started the guide in the first place (and I appreciate the updates that others have made along the way). There is IP by it's self, octopi.lan, then there are a couple of strings using port addressing. ¯_(ツ)_/¯. I've re-flashed octopi several times. There are occasional problems with WiFi connections ranging from it doesn't work at all to intermittent failures. Log on to your WiFi network with the device on which you will be running the network scanner app, launch the app and tell it to scan the network. You change the password. This will allow you to take only one picture per layer creating a wonderful still effect of the print growing. Start reading this topic from the beginning especially the section "Other Diagnostic Commands". With a direct cable in, it should be almost impossible not to find it. Spoolmanager That is why it used to be connected to the wifi. Jezus Christ. Nothing changed with the wifi, the Raspberry just wont connect anymore. No changes to any software or hardware connected to the RPi. Nor if the info i would provide would be endangering my network. That's just how i'm used to talking, srry. OctoPi is a re-packaging of the Raspberry Pi OS which is a Linux derivative. I have no idea where to get the info or what info would be needed. Just added in the part about a fresh wpa supplicant file, following several discussions on discord where I need one to reference so I know what it looks like! Again, nop. Please tell me you have removed the comments, and that this paste is not what you have on your Pi. That's not to say, most of the Pi users in general are programmers or have been hobby programming a while. Then suddenly, poof. These problems can usually be solved by carefully documenting the problem (i.e. But disabled? PID Tuning. I added a plugin called Octolapse. So i thought. on the plugin's homepage) please, not here! It is recommended you use a Raspberry Pi 3 or 3+ to run OctoPrint since the cheaper Raspberry Pi Zero is not quite up to the task. Probably. Nothing. And WiFi Signal Strength (on it with my PC thats next to the Pi, very strong/fast), Hidden SSID(nop), Weak/Inadequate Power Supply(still all the same from a year ago), Electrical Interference(same as last answer). My suggestion is to disconnect your RPi from your printer, carry it 2 rooms over and 1 story down and plug it in next to your router. FINALLY! That is why it used to be connected to the wifi. (AstroPrint Desktop offers offline slicing as well. Heat Creep. Tried finding the IP. There are literally thousands of OctoPrint / OctoPi users successfully using a Raspberry Pi's wireless connection. But still no wifi. You are obviously having problems, but you are not communicating with us in a manner that lends itself to helping you fix it. If you have a 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz network using the same SSID(wireless network name) you may have trouble connecting the printer. Instead of configuring and using WiFi, it is possible to connect a Raspberry Pi to a local area network using a wired (Ethernet) connection. Maintenance. With "Wifi settings are good" i ment the ones i entered with the installation guide from Octoprint itself. How, for the love of god, how can this be so difficult? A LAN cable into the PC is the only way i can acces the Octoprint interface to maker sure it was installed correctly. Also using a fast microSD card and having a strong WiFi connection does not hurt.For me, being able to upload from the slicer and being able to monitor my prints from anywhere is the reason I use OctoPrint. WiFi works with 2.4 GHz b/g/n networks only. Same as last time i installed Octoprint to the RPi. OctoPrint version : 1.5.2 Chances are your printer is on there. Did all the Wifi guides step for step. Wirelessly manage and monitor your OctoPi powered printer from the AstroPrint Platform (AP Mobile Apps, AP Desktop Software, & AP Web Portal). Just something to let it show up under a fixed name or anything. It was created as a responsive design application to access OctoPrint from low resolution devices, such as smartphones, tablets, etc. I tried one of those, copy and paste into my Google and, Voilà! Filter by categories Clear Results Customer Service Community Information Discounts Shipping Questions Warranty & Support Downloads Drivers Programs STL Files Unified 1 Firmware Unified 2 Firmware Guides Bootloader Community Guides DIY Guides Programs Troubleshooting Upgrades & Printer Information Wiring Information Product Information 3rd Party Control Boards All Other … General 3D Printing Troubleshooting. Then suddenly, poof. However, they do need to be connected by USB, plus they need a … other devices connect to it with no problem all around the house, phones, laptops etc. Praying i would find anything. You’ll also be able to print-from-app from apps like Toy Maker. Via AstroPrint APIs, some developers are adding the ability to print from their apps directly to 3D printers. The Router has assigned a IP to octopi.lan. Since only a few have come here asking for help, I believe it is fair to say it isn't difficult. Next up, just a cable straight in to the PC. And another plugin i cant remember, These plugins were installed but disabled. Don´t keep me wrong, my PC does not have any Speed issues. ). GitHub Integration on,, It used to run great before. It does not support using a large amount of Octoprint-plugins or streaming of video and is not officially recommended by the OctoPrint project. And print strait from my PC. First, you get no characters when typing the password. Configure your WiFi by editing octopi-wpa-supplicant.txt on the root of the flashed card when using it like a thumb drive. Access your printer(s) from anywhere. figured out my issue Hosted by AlphaCron (Apfelstädt) [70.29 km]: 909.662 ms There it is! Name and pass of the wifi are all correct. Dashboard Could this because of a plugin i installed? Testing upload speed...................................................................................................... The tool takes much of what is great about the DWC2 interface and optimizes it for Klipper. by ... is Smarter Guest WiFi. Just the RPi going "Nop. the maintainer is not cooperating in getting to the bottom of that, please I can't the router is 2 rooms over and 1 story down. Upload: 1.71 Mbit/s. I already adjusted the previous post ^^. The kind of information we are looking for is not difficult, and it doesn't need you to know exactly how to do everything. So no idea why it wont detect it. We will then try to help you get things working again and once working close to the router, if it fails to work when moved back to the printer location, we will have a good idea why. This is the first place we can start, and then move on from here. i have a very bad Network Connection with my Octopi since a few days. OctoPi. How Is OctoScreen Different From TouchUI? First, you get no characters when typing the password. Toolchanger management tools. A LAN cable into the PC is the only way i can acces the Octoprint interface to maker sure it was installed correctly. Double checked; all correct to wifi login specs. I will pass on that option. General benefits of connecting your OctoPi to the AstroPrint Cloud include: You can follow the instructions in this README. Cloud slicing - This means you can print from any device, slicing happens in the cloud. If we expected this, we wouldn't have such busy forums or discord server. Then it worked. That is because the info expected is the info some one with programming experience would give. But also in my local network the WLAN speed is awful. PID Autotune. If you read what I wrote, I am referring to the set of OctoPi / OctoPrint users which, I will argue, are not programmers but are 3D printing enthusiasts just like yourself. Ok it's the wifi that's busted after (pretty fast but ok). I'm not a programmer or anything. Guy Sheffer maintains “OctoPi”, a Raspbian (and thus Debian) based SD card image for the Raspberry Pi that already includes OctoPrint plus everything you need to run it:. Had no problems with it for nearly a year. Was just a copy past of the guide to show what part i was talking about. Oc with my own SSID name and psk. Also my printer did not do so well with the SD card expansion board, and having to have a PC tethered to my printer was not fun. As taking a screen down, hooking it all up and looking at the code etc is a job that would take several hours. ... A plugin for the Weechat chat client that sends private messages and highlights to Pushover. As i would need to move halve my house around. If you are interested in our help, then you are our eyes, ears, and hands (unless, of course, you want to hire one of us to make a house call). Wifi connection management. Check out the complete list of supported printers. But thx for the suggestion. Also not sure how it can be connected to my PC but not use it's internet with a LAN cable in it. Then when you finally figure that out and login with the command screen.

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