A few hours later Kai wakes up breathing very fast. This leaves Adam unconscious and freezing, on the brink of death. They notice some winged creatures carrying what looks like Weirdy's scarf. Nickname(s) As they try to figure out where to go, they remember they have a map. They reach the castle and realize it's not Colrath's. Just as Louie is ready to eat them, Reeve breaks the vial, releasing Louie from his spell. Mira tries to reason with her and learns Mabel is just following orders. Adrian PetriwPeter Bundic (live-action) 16[1] He confesses that the company has made digital clones of all the players, using all the data in their brains to make exact digital replicas of their lives. Suddenly, the ride catches on fire, and begins collapsing. She explains that she is able to breathe underwater and can swim like a mermaid. In "Cocoon," Mira, Kai, and Adam are taken hostage by a tribe of hybrid spider-people. Vanessa claims the Weird Guy stole the Ishibo and banished them to the town. A the end of "Apocalypse," Kai blames Adam for Mira's death and tries to separate from him permanently. He pushes a button, causing Vanessa and Reeve to levitate and start to fight Mira and Kai. He has a thin neck and thick eyebrows. The team continues to battle not letting them beat Olym with not letting them lose. Mira's able to reverse the spell that has turned animals to stone and they help subdue Vanessa. Racing against the clock, Mira and Kai try to save Adam from dying. Afterwards, the orbital shuttle from space comes crashing on the beach and Adam's theory that they are in a virtual reality game is confirmed by the Weird Guy who warns them that the glitches they have seen are a sign that the game's code is corrupted and is on the verge of crashing, and that they must quickly escape the game. She returns to them while the other three swim back to Vanessa and Kai. During their argument, Mira arrives. It continues to move closer to the and they learn it's a large snail, the source of the slime. He makes them both disappear before disappearing himself. Male Kai tries to open the castle doors, but only succeeds in breaking some rock off it. The man invites them inside for a meal and they agree. They take the Ishibo and leave using their superpowers: either speed, flight, or telekinesis. Kai offers to replace the Spider Leader's lost limbs in exchange for assistance. In Puzzled, Kai tries to create a fire wall to keep the robots back, but they just walk through it. To heal him, they call for the Weird Guy and he teleports Mira back to the lab in the forest to get medicine. They realize Louie is under a spell and they need to break it. Skeet runs at super speed to get away, leaning Adam and Kai to fend for themselves. He also tells them Vanessa went with the game team and she's slowing them down. She revives Adam with a sardine. They approach a man at a desk, who quizzes them on their past quests before giving them a key. Adam reveals that they had an opening because Reeve had been on their team, but they couldn't get along. Mira, Kai, Adam, and Reeve work to keep the game team from winning the boss battle. After making it above the water, Adam accidentally kicks something and the ship begins plummeting into the water. He starts cleaning immediately. They reach the place where Mira stopped and figure out the puzzle she couldn't solve. Kai starts a fire to distract the guard while they find a way in. They're able to right the car and Mira knocks one of the creatures of a motorcyclist and climbs on herself. Vanessa flies and sees the winged creatures taunting Weirdy up ahead. They take the Ishibo and leave using their superpowers: either speed, flight, or telekinesis. Biographical information One team member uses a sonic scream to drive their enemy away, but gets zapped when she tries to do it to another. Kai follows them on his unicycle. During their argument, Mira arrives. They take a moment to look at Kai's neighbor Kevin, who lives in a bubble, before talking about what's going on in the world. Cherufe breaks out of the volcano and comes to them. Vanessa tries to convince Kai to join her team, while Adam and Mira encounter a mysterious old man. The other team in the game is approaching the final level and if they finish, it'll end the game and they'll disappear. They ask him to get Mira, but learn from one of her dads that she said she was staying over at Adam's house. They realize they died in a metro crash. Mira shows them they can walk down the sides of the walls and they follow her through a maze of rooms. They find out that Death's horse is really sick, and after being fed, Mira is able to understand the horse. They run to Weirdy and ask him for answers. One team member uses a sonic scream to drive their enemy away, but gets zapped when she tries to do it to another. In "Hollow Games," The fears get closer until a large lightning strike knocks them all to the ground. After Mira save's a polar bear's cub from drowning under the ice, the bear's escort them to the Ice Palace. In "Fire," Kai and Vanessa watch as the current team clear a path toward victory. In "Colrath," as the digital world around them crashes, Adam, Mira and Kai find and dodge their old enemies in order to get the Ishibo and return it to the tree. Kai, Adam, and Skeet all abandon the boat as it approaches the reactors. Despite his insecurities, Kai usually goes to Adam for security when he is scared. Kai says he can keep it between them if she wants, but he encourages her to be honest with the others. Other characters find him annoying at times. She then charges Mabel and he ignites his fists, saying he's not afraid of her. Synopsis:After discovering the truth behind the Hollow, friends Adam, Mira and Kai must face their fears and tackle even bigger challenges together. They fight the snail and Skeet is injured. Kai impulsively chooses door one. Five hours prior to entering the Hollow's virtual reality, Adam and his teammates are instructed on the rules of the game. She continues to sink down as she loses consciousness. Just then, the other team bursts through the wall in a car before rushing back out. They board the subway train, where they are haunted by apparitions lining the trains. They both jump inside and the current takes them out to a waterfall. Kai's real-life form is very similar to his animated counterpart; they have the same physique and clothing. He wakes up in the bunker with Adam and Mira. Once through the portal, they wind up in the same room they started in, except for the fact that there was a green button. They need to hold off the other team a little longer. At the end of the episode, Mira is seen lodged against a rock, opening her eyes. Reeve tries to stop Iris from putting it in, but he's not strong enough and she puts it in, which results in a large explosion. Later, Adam has no compunction about leaving Skeet frozen in the Ice Palace, nor does Skeet show any scruple about equally leaving Adam for dead afterward. As he changes his mind, Adam runs away. He tries to turn the key that says Reeve, but gets shocked. They then jump through a portal. After healing Death's horse, they take off in the ship. Just as Louie is ready to eat them, Reeve breaks the vial, releasing Louie from his spell. Not far from the fenced area, they are trapped at the edge of a cliff with the creatures quickly digging their way under the fence. Mira tries to reason with her and learns Mabel is just following orders. Kai finds a boat and Skeet runs ahead and starts paddling it out. They barricade themselves in the room and Kai turns Reeve's key with difficult, retrieving the bottle and shattering it. "Race". Inside, he introduces himself as Jules Voulcan and shows off a few of his inventions. They jump through together. Nisha fires again and hits Olym, but it doesn't defeat him. Release year: 2020 After discovering the truth behind the Hollow, friends Adam, Mira and Kai must face their fears and tackle even bigger challenges together. They enter the elevator, where they hear Weirdy say he's started the transfer, but he needs more time. How did they get there? Kai notices a portal and wants to go through it before the robots get through the door. Davis easily answers his questions and then tells him he missed a call from Mira. They try to go inside, but a security guard stops them. They call for help, and the Weird Guy teleports them to a spaceship. A ship then comes by, telling Reeve to swim to them. Kai notices a portal and wants to go through it before the robots get through the door. They take a moment to look at Kai's neighbor Kevin, who lives in a bubble, before talking about what's going on in the world. Kai's new theory is that it's aliens. They run away again and have to dodge lightning strikes as Mabel follows them. They catch up, but the game team attacks them and they end up flipped over. He doesn't pixelate and Mira starts crying. Mira says she lost Tursas, but they have to hurry. He can't find her key, so he uses a pickle fork to open her box and shatter the vial. Then he looks for Vanessa. Played by She narrowly escapes the Devil Dogs, and comes back with a vial. Season 1 - The Hollow. Mira develops romantic feelings for Adam in the first season. The ghosts leave the train, finally freed. First seen Disbelieving this, Mira kisses Adam, and he kindly, yet awkwardly, rejects her affections. He prepares to send them away again, but they manage to get his scarf back and leverage it to get answers. Like his friends, Kai has no memories of the real world when he wakes up inside the game. Just then, the waste pile starts to collapse and then a monster, Olym, emerges from the rubble. Just then, the other team bursts through the wall in a car before rushing back out. Kai starts a fire to distract the guard while they find a way in. With that solved, they decide to get out of the storm only for it to clear. Kai tries to fly over him, but is stopped. The Hollow - Episode 7El vació - Episodio 7, Ingles con subtítulos en Español opcionales They're surprised to find it blank. The bullies continue to chase him and finally back him into a corner. They climb into their own car and drive after the game team. Their relationship grows tenser until "Unbalanced," when both boys decide to work together to rescue their friends. Just as they do, the door opens and a monkey in an elevator asks if they're going down. Reeve says they're just code and their real selves are living life as normal. Kai apologizes for getting in between them in the game, but they tell him they're not dating and Adam is gay. He finds a picture of himself with Mira and Reeve. They remember how well the other team worked together just a large explosion in the distance reveals that the other team learned how to use the weapon. He is the most socially awkward character, often making jokes that only he and Skeet find funny. Adam and Kai leave and head toward Hollow Games Studio, which is where Adam thinks she is. After they betray them, Mira and Kai, along with a seriously wounded Adam, end up stranded on a small iceberg. She guards the exit to the bay, preventing them from getting through. Mira becomes trapped with the three little pigs, while Adam and Reeve work together to redirect the river to put out the fire. Adam starts rowing them and asks Skeet about how he ended up there. They then jump through a portal. Gavin goes to punch him, but says he isn't worth fighting. The three friends encounter their rival team, and manage to retrieve the Ishibo back. Then they notice the game team has almost reached the end. Upon arriving in his floating temple, the doors and windows close, locking them in and making everything go dark. In "Alchemy," they have buried Skeet. In "The Riddle," separated from Kai and the others, Mira and Adam found an old man underground and must solve his riddle. The two fight each other in the Battle for the Ishibo. It continues to move closer to the and they learn it's a large snail, the source of the slime. They end up tipping the platform and all three of them fall off. Meanwhile, Kai is able to fix up a ship and gets it to work. Vanessa starts to panic over their arguing and flies off. Adam finds a file cabinet in a ransacked room. They remain friends in Season 2. After healing Death's horse, they take off in the ship. They quickly get back up and continue their taunting. As they try to figure out where to go, they remember they have a map. He knows her because she's famous for the fastest victory in the history of The Hollow. ! Kai is jealous of Adam's powers until he discovers his own in "Ishibo." Kai suggests going to his place to make a plan. Age Adam tries to cover for Mira. They find Mira's scooter propped up against a wall. Mira discovers that she was able to translate an owl's hoots. With that solved, they decide to get out of the storm only for it to clear. They have all their memories until they hit the button and jumped in the portal, then nothing until they woke up at home. They find out that Death's horse is really sick, and after being fed, Mira is able to understand the horse. The friends, trying to locate the other three kids, wander in a spooky town and are reacquainted with them. Vanessa starts to apologize, but before she can say why, Kai hears music form inside. Just then, Adam comes around a corner, still running from the bullies. Species They end up washed up on a beach. Adam finds Jules, who says he'll explain everything. Adam goes to his bed and lays down then falls asleep slowly. He asks Davis to prepare his ride and bring him the tea. They barricade themselves in the room and Kai turns Reeve's key with difficult, retrieving the bottle and shattering it. Kai, Adam, and Skeet all abandon the boat as it approaches the reactors. They realize they died in a metro crash. He also wears light blue jeans and brown shoes. Mira then takes Tursas' fang and puts it into the empty spot. Kai is surprised to learn they still have their powers and immediately tests them out, burning a hole in the bush Davis was trimming. He assures them Skeet is fine and living his life like normal. She doesn't know what The Hollow is either and tells them they're trespassing. Kai offers to replace the Spider Leader's lost limbs in exchange for assistance. They can't win, but they also can't lose because either way will end the game. They find Mira's scooter propped up against a wall. Kai finds some puddles, but they aren't portals. Adam barely wins as Akuma drops the Ishibo and falls off the floating piece of land. Kai uses his powers to destroy them, but another set finds them quickly. Just as they do, the door opens and a monkey in an elevator asks if they're going down. Adam explains to the game team what they've been through and asks them to wait so they can be saved. Forming an uneasy truce, Vanessa uses her feminine wiles to take advantage of Kai's obvious infatuation with her. Skeet promises not to try that again and they set off to find The Weird Guy. In early episodes, Adam and Kai care for each other as close friends despite their frequent disagreements. Kai asks for help, despite Adam and Mira's protests. It doesn't work and they realize Skeet has lost. Still thinking losing is the solution, Skeet jumps off a ledge, but is quickly thrown back onto solid ground. The trio knock her out but another witch comes along, and attacks them. Kai throws the box of donuts behind him and the bullies stop to fight over them. Drifting out into the middle of the sea, Mira takes Adam to find land, leaving Kai on the thawing iceberg. They talk about his death and try to reassure Mira as they walk. As they walk, Weirdy comes to them and tells them there's been trouble taking "Hollow Life" offline. Vanessa is missing Skeet, but Kai consoles her that he real Skeet is with the real Vanessa. He tells them he'll try, but they need to survive the game. They enter the studio, which is empty. They jump through together. It shatters on the floor and breaks the spell. They leave to go find Mira. Kai jumps to his rescue, throwing fire at Mabel and burning her neck. As they walk inside, the man grabs a hair off Adam's head, which he tucks into a paper. They struggle with that plan and Adam ends up pinned under Mabel's foot. They then find out that it is inhabited by a cyclops. They talk about his death and try to reassure Mira as they walk. She manipulates him in the hopes that he will help her team win the game. Mira thinks something's gone wrong. They run away and find Adam, but he attacks them. Kai uses his powers to destroy them, but another set finds them quickly. He follows Puddle out of the room and downstairs, where he sees his mother cooking and his father reading the news. The man invites them inside for a meal and they agree. Shocking revelations are revealed about the world and when Adam is injured, Mira and Kai must work together to stay alive. Mira stops her from firing it again and tosses the weapon to Vanessa. Mira tells them Skeet's dead. The ghosts leave the train, finally freed. https://thehollow.fandom.com/wiki/Kai?oldid=8214. Vanessa flies and sees the winged creatures taunting Weirdy up ahead. Adam and Kai leave and head toward Hollow Games Studio, which is where Adam thinks she is. Kai does not realize she is using him until she explicitly tells him and drops him from a great height in "Ice." Kai gets help from Vanessa and they're able to stop the train. The team is happy to be reunited. By contrast, he always remains very skeptical and distrusting of the rival team. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Adam sees his bullies approaching from one side as Mabel and the doll block the other two ways. His butler, Davis, comes in with his ringing phone, but Kai just starts screaming again. In the morning, Adam waits outside the donut shop, angry. The friends, trying to locate the other three kids, wander in a spooky town and are reacquainted with them. Adam and Reeve decide to combine their powers. Despite this, Kai usually turns to Adam for security when he feels frightened. Adam, Mira and Kai dodge old enemies as they race to find the tree and discover that a powerful foe guards their next destination. In Unbalanced, Adam and Reeve quickly start to argue over who should make a decision about what to do. Mira discovers that she was able to translate an owl's hoots. They end up jumping through at the same time. Kai fixes one of their rides, and tries it out with Benjamini, while Adam and Mira learn that the three other kids also came by the theme park. Mira is in the center and the other four are each on a corner. It was just like living in the physical world, with all of the same friends, family, food, and emotions. Mira wants to go to the studio to look for Weirdy, but opens the door to find Davis, who says it's late and Kai's friends should go home. In the following episode, Kai builds a pair of prosthetic legs for the leader of the mutant spiders, and in return, the leader heals Adam and Kai saves Adam's life. It quickly becomes clear that something is different this time, because Adam and Mira still have their memories and something's wrong with Kai from the start. The viking then informs them that their friends are alive because Tursas only feasts on the full moon, which is tonight. In "Apocalypse," the three figures bring the trio to a ship crash site. He leads them to a gazebo, where Davis brings them tea. They tell the trio they just have to finish the game, but the other trio starts to fight them. This discovery allows for a healthier dynamic between the two that isn't permeated by jealousy and competition. His story is similar to theirs. In Season 2, he is angry with her until she expresses regret for her past actions. Vanessa starts to apologize, but before she can say why, Kai hears music form inside. Vanessa tries to convince Kai to join her team, while Adam and Mira encounter a mysterious old man. Kai thaws himself out with his powers of fire, and the three of them battle an ice monster. They hear static noises and start to walk toward the server room when floating robots see them. Vanessa starts to panic over their arguing and flies off. While he and Kai are in there, the room shakes and things fall. It's implied that the real Adam, Mira and Kai are scarred from the experience and Vanessa's duplicate regrets her past behavior when she realizes her cheating created digital clones of the teams. With Mira's swimming skill and the help of a kraken, they are able to retrieve a new light bulb from an abandoned submarine. Against Adam's warnings, Kai thaws out the other three kids, and Reeve uses his telekinetic powers to attack Adam from behind with the Ishibo. She watches as Adam's mother looks at her before slowly closing the door. After they ask for help with a "please," he creates a portal through which they fall. In "Undead," Kai discovers his pyrokinetic abilities, using them to save himself and Benjimini. He pokes his father and says he's surprised to find them there, in the Hollow. They realize that the weapon fits into Olym's back, which they believe is the way to win. He has the superpower of pyrokinesis and is skilled in the field of engineering. That would make sense inside The Hollow, but his parents knew things about his only his real parents would know, something that wouldn't happen in The Hollow. 1 "The Room" 2018-06-08 "Disoriented teens Adam, Mira and Kai are strangers who wake up in a room with no doors or windows. He accepts it and says it's for Malthezor, who pops up out of the water, knocks the goat off into the water, and eats the troll. Season One follows three teens who wake up in a closed room with no memories. Adam breaks off one of her teeth. He's the comic relief character in the trio, clumsy and dim witted. In the opening moments of Netflix's animated drama THE HOLLOW, Adam (Adrian Petriw), Mira (Ashleigh Ball), and Kai (Connor Parnall) awaken in a featureless bunker, with no memory of how they got there.But since poison gas is soon seeping into the room, they don't exactly have time to figure it out. They end up surrounded by a sea monster, who jumps out of the water and swallows Mira, Vanessa, and Kai whole. Almost falling to death while Vanessa tried to fly Kai towards the moon, Adam and Mira fall into a pit after Kai unintentionally sets of a gravestone mechanism during a zombie invasion. Still thinking losing is the solution, Skeet jumps off a ledge, but is quickly thrown back onto solid ground. She swims away and Tursas chases her until she goes through a small hole Tursas can't get through. Kai comes up to him, upset because it's not a dream. First seen As the room begins filling up with poisonous smoke, they make their way up to and through the vent, eventually winding up at an exit that leads to a forest. In "The Lighthouse," Adam theorizes that they are in a parallel universe. They spot Colrath's castle, so Kai proposes finding Mira and winning the game. Once they're dressed, they sit down to dinner, where he takes one of Kai's hairs from the cap he's wearing and one of Mira's directly from her head. She gives them a clue to look for water without fish before disappearing. Adam also reveals to Reeve that the conversation he overheard that led to their team breaking up ended with him saying he couldn't betray Reeve like that because they were friends. It was just like living in the physical world, with all of the same friends, family, food, and emotions. However, as the rival team takes its leave, Kai notices what appears to be a slight glitch in the live-action Vanessa's eye. They then notice Mira in the water. Kai is one of the three, later six main protagonists in The Hollow along with his friends Adam and Mira. They spot another team, also fleeing from danger. When they fix the lighthouse's light, they signal SOS, but only the Weird Guy shows up. They decide to make a fake goat with veggies and bring it to the troll. Kai knocks on the door and the snail jumps off the roof down toward them. Adam just thinks the rules are different for a new level. Appearance The three make it to dry land, and Mira and Kai see the whale glitch. And how will they escape?" He shows them to bedrooms, where he has clothes for them. On the way, Adam slips in some slime. After escaping the underground bunker, the trio continue to walk through the forest, ending up at an electrified fence. They placate her with some of Kai's blood and ask her about Mira. They wonder if the glitch caused this. Adam wants to get him one, but Mira is opposed. Kai thinks he's in a dream and enters the donut shop. Adam is one of the three, later six main protagonists in The Hollow alongside his friends Mira and Kai. Adam starts looking for clues on how to beat the game. Kai tries calling Weirdy for help, but gets no response, making him believe he's right that it's a dream. They realize that the weapon fits into Olym's back, which they believe is the way to win. In Dead End, the five have decided to stick together. They end up surrounded by a sea monster, who jumps out of the water and swallows Mira, Vanessa, and Kai whole. Skeet and Adam do not interact much in the first season, aside from Skeet's and Reeve's denying the use of the bedroom to Adam and Mira in the Ghost Town. As the room begins filling up with green smoke, they make their way up to and through the vent, eventually winding up at an exit that leads to a forest. Warning them it isn't safe, Adam and Mira venture inside the palace, and finds Kai, Vanessa, Reeve, and Skeet frozen in ice. In "The Return," Kai and Adam land after falling thorough the portal. Kai follows them on his unicycle. His mother comes to the door and asks him to clean his room. He tells them to keep the team from winning until he can fix it. Mira stands up to Adam's bullies for him, while Adam takes on Mabel and Kai goes after the doll. They run away again and have to dodge lightning strikes as Mabel follows them. They catch up, but the game team attacks them and they end up flipped over. In "Ice," Reeve uses the Ishibo to attack Adam from behind, sending him flying into a column of ice. He is a scaredy cat and constantly tries to run away from trouble, even though he constantly gets into trouble. Kai develops a crush on Mira very quickly after meeting her, but her feelings are never reciprocated. The trio knock her out, but another witch comes along and attacks them. He runs away when a man calls out to him and they give Skeet the medicine. Back on the platform, Mira decides to leave them to their fight. In hopes of using the lighthouse to signal for help, they must find a new light bulb as the one there is broken. Skeet promises not to try that again and they set off to find The Weird Guy. After choosing his character's secret powers, Adam, Mira, and Kai enter the simulation. She narrowly escapes the Devil Dogs, and comes back with a vial. Warning them it isn't safe, Adam and Mira venture inside the palace, and finds Kai, Vanessa, Reeve, and Skeet frozen in ice.
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