+ Shaft dimensions of these IEC frames may vary between manufacturers. H���ˎ\������,/8�_ C�X�� A�p��%w0���Ȇ�>?�*�.�}z a�������_�����Ǘ��/�ݾ������>_�_>no�ޜ�~|������E����W�^sz�������������������˧˿��o�^�{|��W_�������jk��l�y�!�����������Ǐ�~}|>���^����NZilٴ�Ƥ��>[0�ߟ���I�e;=|{��۹}���������|9=|����:%��1�m�%eK�ۇS�Q复�ŧk���������ϧw_��{JZe���R�*4~��b$��J�.+[����+��ϧ}�}�I8|= ��q2y��듫'Q���f������oۛ��v�g`����O06�[�1�nv���]���M���K���k� �l$�E�ԟ{�R�H��I64N;�&�P\�!�#��1��U��Ȩ����09�[��t�^F5D�m�q�2��"9,E�+'��oq���'9,2'�x��/?q|Q�-�g�ĉ:����-NR�/1�1ŷ�B��[��BB�J IEC and NEMA, KW/HP comparisons flow smoothly in smaller ratings. In some instances, this results in a greater HP rating than required. 0000004930 00000 n 0000109149 00000 n B14B - flange Motor types M3BP, M3JM; IEC size 80 to 450; 0.55 to 1000 kW Low voltage motors for water and wastewater IEC frame sizes 56 to 500, up to 2000 kW, cast iron and aluminum Both also have standards in place to designate: Frame size dimensions; Minimum efficiency levels; Testing methods 0000079381 00000 n Frame Size Basis On page 14 you will find a Baldor frame size chart that is a great reference on “T” frame, “U” frame and original frame motors. IEC Euronorm TEFC Dimensions Frame Sizes 63 - 315 B3 (FOOT MOUNTED) 69 98. 0000001567 00000 n 0000050493 00000 n IEC produces a full range of AISE and IPSS series motors used for auxiliary drives in Steel Mills. In general, all motors are suitable for converter-fed operation with line voltages of … In general, all motors are suitable for converter-fed operation with mains voltages of … 0000133371 00000 n 0000156372 00000 n Terminal box (viewed from shaft end) Unit. An example is the IEC 225S / NEMA 364T areas for 4-pole motors. iec -quick reference chart horizontal shaft arrangements vertical shaft arrangements ip22 = open drip proof ... motor. frame sizes. 49 0 obj <> endobj Similar to NEMA, IEC publishes Standard 60034-1:2010, the standard outside North America. 0000156350 00000 n In this case, the shaft height of a 112 frame would be slightly over 4.4 inches and the closest NEMA frame motor would be a 180 series frame (182, 184, 182T or 184T) with a shaft height of 4.5 inches. (See Table A footnote.) r.p.m. 0000001546 00000 n The following are dimensional size charts for standard electric motor NEMA standard frames and configuration. shaft height. 0 However, in larger sizes, they can vary enough to cause concern in some design applications. Frame Size 2 Pole 4 Pole 6 Pole ≦100 5200 3600 2400 112 5200 3600 2400 132 4500 2700 2400 160 4500 2700 2400 0000052057 00000 n for the squirrel-cage, 3 phase induction motors of 1000V or lower. In the case of this motor, it would be necessary The 254U frame (7-1/2 HP at 1800 RPM) has a 1-3/8" shaft, and the current 254T frame (15 HP at … More recently, IEC standards have 0000005140 00000 n h�b``�```Z������;� 0�0�1ǂ�� !�Wӎ�|���� � a �d���e�X,b� �����u*�0� �K�!�8 .%�c�bu�K}�f}d��x�1B(�k}ڤ�M3��z{}���tj�����@| � ?# 0000144615 00000 n 0000156289 00000 n h�bbd```b``�"���dJ �� �����,� �-,�L���SA$�?����A� X��V)tlr3�s0[L^�< ����H2v?��O��/A�Yz vk�� r�ߴ�L@_���8`��ϯ �3� 2008 2 Overview Standard motors from Siemens are characterised by their flexi-bility, ruggedness and energy efficiency. �k栈�62w�Hd`;d|�-�Q)�4�"c����gsH2�!&k�R0eooq�*H,��㝹�2g��J����)y)0,�X��W�n`,Zo���C�~w �]��b"c�S1���,�c�ج�6^�4���({�U��Ib��1��n1�J:���"qx�q�ʺY�CdN}�r���S�G�b0�%�E�xc���)�� Ӓ_�c/�')�F&��S[L��2��fN�)I�������q���������M��1���]�"cPV�]T�U���05��Ap�U ���I>�ɨ�Ȝ�`9A���). ~ Horsepower listed is closest comparable rating with similar mounting dimensions. 0000161019 00000 n 0000005265 00000 n Refer to NEMA Standard Dimension Chart and variations below. kg/Nm/kgm 2 /m; lb/ft.lb/sq.ft.lb/ft 3 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 5 /H [ 1337 230 ] /L 162812 /E 162457 /N 1 /T 162635 >> endobj xref 3 47 0000000016 00000 n 0000004772 00000 n Regions using "inch" units work with NEMA standards (see page NEMA Frame Size). 0000144638 00000 n 0000001284 00000 n h�Ęms�8��A��)k��33ihh)���@!������\R~���NBR�y���q��j����� 0000004901 00000 n 104 0 obj <>stream 0000050618 00000 n Frame Size D FLANGE (B5) C FACE (B14) N M P S T N M P S T 63 95 115 140 10 3 60 75 90 M5 2.5 71 110 130 160 10 3.5 70 85 105 M6 2.5 80M 130 165 200 12 3.5 80 100 120 M6 3.0 90S 130 165 200 12 3.5 95 115 140 M8 3.0 0000003561 00000 n Three-digit frame numbers are by definition integral frames. 0000108953 00000 n Only a few companies in the world boast IEC's range of standard DC Motors in frame sizes 80-900 with output torques ranging from 1.2 N-m to 162000 N-m and with output powers ranging from 0.37 KW to 2600 KW. 0000029328 00000 n The standard is part of an effort to unify motor testing procedures and efficiency and product labeling requirements The IEC 72 defines motor frame size standards for regions that use SI units. 0000080905 00000 n 0000050516 00000 n %PDF-1.6 %���� trailer << /Size 50 /Info 2 0 R /Root 4 0 R /Prev 162626 /ID[<3fd6c0120bcc3c95c752499120c097af><3fd6c0120bcc3c95c752499120c097af>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 4 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 1 0 R >> endobj 48 0 obj << /S 36 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 49 0 R >> stream As a result of this and the age of these motors, we are seeing inquiries for replacement motors that will match the IEC (International Electrical Commission) standards. Standardized motor dimensions are established by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) - are tabulated below and apply to all base-mounted motors listed herein that carry a NEMA frame designation endstream endobj 50 0 obj <> endobj 51 0 obj <> endobj 52 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Properties<>>>/Shading<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 53 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj startxref frame size 182t 184t 213t 215t 254t 256t 284t 284ts 286t 286ts 324t 324ts 326t 326ts 364t 364ts 365t 365ts 405t 405ts 183 to standards developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission. B5 - flange (“D” flange) B3 - foot mounted motor The flange is bigger than the motor frame. 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