Can you see or feel any areas with thinning hair? Hair breakage has many different causes. Be sure you’re drinking plenty of water every day. In these cases, hair breakage is more likely to appear on the back of the head. For relaxed and transitioning hair particularly, this means a more prominent and weaker demarcation line. Hair breakage at the crown is more common than most women think. StyleCraze provides content of general nature that is designed for informational purposes only. If you’re one to always have your hair pulled back into a tight hairstyle like a sleek bun or tight braids, try changing up your hairstyles and wearing your hair down when you can. Too much manipulation, styling, taut ponytails, buns, plaiting it tightly, etc can cause breakages at the crown and hairline. Remember, pick that one which contains a huge amount of silicones, amino acids & Vitamin E. These elements improve the condition of hair and stop the breakage. Opting for satin and silk pillowcases will help keep your hair healthy. People think I’m getting layers, but it’s just major breakage and I hate it. But of course, the keyword here is gentle! This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. This can be low key breakage that’s hardly noticeable but still a PIA, or the kind that sends you into wide-eyed emoji hysteria when you notice a decent chunk of hair has completely broken off. Follow the tips discussed in this post and check the results for yourself. i hve chemically treated hair. These cookies do not store any personal information. It can also be frustrating when your hair’s hemline is shaped like a W rather than a healthy U or V because of crown area and middle area breakage issues. Some people have this problem at the crown area that often results in a receding hairline or even baldness if not contained. My hair was cut into layers for a more natural look which I have maintained to this day. Hello Lovelies! This article will explain the causes of hair breakage at the crown, how to fix hair breakage around the crown section, and how to hide breakage at the crown – until you are able to repair it! Plan ahead so that you always have enough time to dedicate to doing the job right. But good news: hair breakage is usually completely reversible. A good hair cut can help you feel fresh and start anew on your hair journey. Some of the main causes include the following: 1. Porosity refers to how well your hair holds moisture. Crown area hair breakage can be very distressing, especially when the rest of your hair is flourishing. If you use any heat styling tools on your hair, try turning down the heat settings so they aren’t so hot and use the cool setting on blow dryers instead of any heat at all. The rubber band causes hair breakage around hairline more than the actual hair tie, so you may want to choose to use real hair band instead. I’m never one to say no to a nice hot shower but consider turning down the heat in your shower too. Even during quarantine, where I haven’t been using heat, it’s not getting any better. Natural hair breakage at the crown (the top / middle part of your hair and scalp) can be particularly distressing. Your email address will not be published. 15. The hair follicles in the area undergo tension due to constant pulling or tugging. 8 causes of hair breakage in the middle of your head @ If you do not know what causes the breakage, you can’t follow the cure tips properly. Wigs can be a great protective style. It also helps encourage healthy hair growth and recovery, so you’ll be helping to speed up your transformation. You may even wish to use more products or additional products on that area of your hair if you’re struggling with dryness. Hair Breakage Treatment Stop Hair Breakage Natural Hair Loss Treatment Long Relaxed Hair Healthy Relaxed Hair Relaxed Hair Growth Healthy Hair Relaxed Hair Journey Healthy Detox. The top of your head is vulnerable to moisture loss, and the hair there can naturally be drier and coarser than the rest of your hair. These strands are brittle and are among the driest on your scalp. Tight ponytails, or pulled-back hairstyles like puffs and hair buns, can cause hair breakage at the crown. Take another close look around your crown area. Simple daily rituals such as brushing, washing, and styling your hair can weaken your hair. Some of the causes of extreme breakage at the crown include: Excessive stress which often leads to both recede and break at the crown or frontal area of your head. 3♦ Which leads to my next point: Try to avoid using the pick so often. Also, be sure to incorporate protective styles into your hair care regimen. Sun Overexposure. It might take a lot of time and patience to see the results, but your hair will thank you if you take these steps towards protecting your hair and you stick with a healing routine. If you are blow-drying your hair, make sure its roots are protected from excess heat. How To Prepare And Use Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse. If you have experienced any of them over the last few months, your hair loss is more probably a consequence of that stressful event. Use detangling spray or conditioner, and a detangling tool if you have one. How To Identify Hair Breakage At The Crown? Your email address will not be published. The repeated tension on the hair follicles in this area could eventually lead to hair breakage. Breakage can also be mid-strand, or centralized in one specific spot on the scalp. High porosity is also caused by heat damage from blow dryers, flat irons, and curling irons. The most common places that hair breakage occurs though is at the hairline, the back of the head, the crown of the head, or the nape of the neck.

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