Cloud Application Manager, Managed Hosting Services The time it takes to install new hardware depends upon the utilization rate of our data centers, the availability of hardware by suppliers, and the workload of our operations teams. Customer will be entitled to receive a copy of the then-available report upon request, which report is CenturyLink Confidential Information. We expect customers to continue to use our platform in similar ways to how they have previously used the platform. In order to increase the accuracy of our forecasts, we separate the growth in device utilization into two categories: process-oriented and behavior-oriented. However, we do not expect to always see the same internal platform changes in the future. Customer may, no more than once per year and at its own expense, audit CenturyLink’s performance with respect to its security obligations under this Appendix (“Audit”). Web. Once we factor these into the model, we can then figure out the expected future utilization rate of that device. The parties will agree in advance and in writing on any material remediation responsibilities and costs that exceed CenturyLink’s standard incident response process. The cloud platform is constantly changing – as a result, the relationship between devices will differ from day-to-day. What results is a projection of growth that accounts for consumer growth, business processes, and statistical uncertainty. Applicability. We handle each type of change separately. Pay-as-you-go services are fantastic but, they can be extremely expensive if you are paying for large amounts of capacity that is not being used. A representative will reach out to you within 24 hours. One of the biggest advantages cloud computing offers is the elastic usage of resources. The industry of cloud computing is similar to that of banking, in that banks only have a limited amount of cash on-hand at any given time. Reasonably cooperate with Customer in its efforts to remediate or mitigate the Security Incident and its efforts to comply with applicable law and legal authorities, as necessary. Employees have access to secure shredders for hardcopy. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW, AUDIT REPORT. Managed Services Anywhere The Customer generally authorises CenturyLink to appoint sub-processors in accordance with any restrictions in this DP Exhibit and the Agreement. Understanding this rate as well as the total capacity of the platform both factor into future capacity projections. Raz, Shahar M. “6 Reasons to Remember Capacity Planning in Cloud Computing Environments.” Raztscom. The cloud groups a collection of storage devices together – forming a single entity. CenturyLink shall delete such data promptly after it ceases to be obliged to retain it and shall only process it to the extent required to comply with applicable laws. Damages Cap. One of the biggest advantages cloud computing ⦠Most cloud computing services are provided as self service and on demand, so even vast amounts of computing resources can be provisioned in minutes, typically with just a few mouse clicks, giving businesses a lot of flexibility and taking the pressure off capacity planning. CenturyLink and Customer agree that, Customer is an independent Data Controller with respect to the processing of Personal Data which is necessary for the operation of the Services, and CenturyLink is an independent Data Controller with respect to the processing of billing, utilisation, usage patterns/counts/statistics, traffic data and other Customer account related information (e.g. The cloud platform is an infrastructure of connected devices of different types and different manufactures. Data Importer: The Data Importer is CenturyLink Communications, a company that is engaged in the provision of communications services, and that provides data processing services to the Data Exporter. Organizational management designed to ensure the proper development and maintenance of information security and technology policies, procedures and standards. With the main components ⦠It is similar in that we can project our future expectations based upon our current utilization patterns. A ⦠â Thus, when creating a capacity plan where cloud computing systems are in play, the most productive approach is to focus on the services (APIs to the resources), and how they behave under dynamic loading versus modeling a system holistically. Similar to static versus automated, capacity planning is a more strategic activity whereas scalability planning ⦠Network capacity is one of the hardest factors to resolve & the performance of the network is affected by I/O of the network at the server & network traffic from cloud to ISPs (Internet Service Providers). CenturyLink has implemented the data security measures described in this Appendix and shall maintain them, or an equally secure equivalent, during the applicable term of the Services. As with any business, cloud computing exists because of customers and their ever-changing needs and our goal is to meet those needs. We have expert support agents ready to assist you, whether you’re subscribed to Managed Services Anywhere, Cloud Application Manager, Managed Hosting Services, Private Cloud or Lumen Cloud. Two procurement factors take place: optimization and integration. In the event of a conflict between the Agreement, the applicable Services Exhibit(s) and this DP Exhibit, the terms of this DP Exhibit shall control. Fortunately, there are many similarities between devices from different manufactures. A straightforward technique to represent the growth of a cloud platform would be to project the growth for each device and then determine when we expect each to run out of capacity. SPECIFIC SECURITY CONTROLS. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY ELSEWHERE IN THE AGREEMENT, THE TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY FOR EACH PARTY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS EXHIBIT WILL BE LIMITED TO THE LESSER OF (I) THE TOTAL MRCs AND USAGE CHARGES PAID OR PAYABLE BY CUSTOMER TO CENTURYLINK IN THE 12 MONTHS IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE OCCURRENCE OF THE EVENT GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM, OR (II) TWO MILLION DOLLARS. However, it is different for at least two substantial reasons. 29. Many cloud services operate with pay-as-you-go models that have no boundaries on capacity or usage. For example, it takes more time to distribute a load across storage devices than it does to distribute across compute devices. For both business and technical reasons, our forecast technique differs based upon the device type. The next step is to share these expectations with the business and to integrate them within the larger decision-making process. Moreover, since logistics and finance ultimately interface with third party suppliers, these forecasts need to consider the vendor constraints such as the typical minimum capacity order to achieve certain pricing thresholds. INFORMATION SECURITY PROGRAM. The parties may amend this DP Exhibit at any time during the term of the Agreement by written agreement if necessary to comply with any legal requirement or guidance from a supervisory authority, or if required to take account of any changes to the processing of Personal Data pursuant to the Agreement and applicable Services Exhibit(s). “Data Protection Laws” means the provisions of applicable laws regulating the use and processing of data relating to persons, as may be defined in such provisions, including a) prior to 25 May 2018, the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC, b) after 25 May 2018 the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679) (“GDPR”), c) the Electronic Communications Data Protection Directive 2002/58/EC, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and d) all other applicable laws and regulations relating to processing of personal data. However, it is different for at least two substantial reasons. The cloud software turns this “cluster of devices” into a cluster of virtual storage partitions. Through understanding historic performance, we are able to figure out the most optimal way to configure our forecasts for this duration. You may approach this situation by examining the growth in the number of new vehicles using roads. The finance team helps further investigate the recommendations for capacity and obtains business approval for sustained increases to capacity. However, there are also business-scale process changes. Two terms of design capacity and effective capacity are used extensively in the context of capacity planning⦠Electronic media are disposed of through certified disposal vendors. With the cloud, the possibility of elasticity is ever present but it is up to the user to know how to use that power effectively. Capacity planning for cloud platforms is both similar to and different from âon-premisesâ capacity planning. Similarly, an accurate representation of overall future growth requires that we start by building a model for each device. Lumen is committed to the protection and careful management of all customer data. With proper planning we can help reduce the uncertainties associated with capacity planning. Although at first glance planning may seem irrelevant, don’t be fooled by the cloud hype. The parties agree to enter into the Standard Contractual Clauses (in the form adopted by decision 2010/87/EU of 5 February 2010) with CenturyLink affiliate(s) on Customer’s behalf and in Customer’s name in order to provide adequate protection for such Personal Data, with Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to such Clauses in the form appended hereto; and. Cloud computing offers incredible flexibility and fantastic options compared to traditional computing or storage methods. CenturyLink shall provide reasonable assistance to Customer in respect of any breach reporting obligations Customer may have, and provide such additional information relating to such breach as Customer may reasonably require. However, nothing is ever certain. CenturyLink will maintain all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with its obligations identified in this DP Exhibit and a written record of all processing of Personal Data on behalf of Customer and, upon reasonable request grant Customer and its auditors and agents a right of access to and to take copies of records relating to compliance and all processing of such Personal Data on behalf of Customer in order to assess whether CenturyLink has complied with its obligations in respect of the processing of Personal Data. As used in this Appendix, “Customer Data” means any data, content or information of Customer or its end users that is stored, transmitted, or otherwise processed using the CenturyLink Services. IN ADDITION, CENTURYLINK WILL NOT BE LIABLE HEREUNDER TO THE EXTENT ANY LIABILITY IS CAUSED BY OR CONTRIBUTED TO BY ANY PARTY OTHER THAN CENTURYLINK OR ITS SUBPROCESSORS. CenturyLink shall provide Customer with reasonable access to the relevant facility for the purpose of inspection of the equipment and facilities which are used to provide the Services to Customer. CenturyLink shall, insofar as is possible, promptly notify Customer of any inquiry, complaint notice or other communication it receives from any supervisory authority, or from any Data Subject relating to the Services (including any requests to access, correct, delete, block or restrict access to their Personal Data or receive a machine-readable copy thereof) and, insofar as is possible and to the extent technically feasible, assist Customer with its obligation to respond to any notification or Data Subject rights request in accordance with the timescales set out in the Data Protection Laws. Categories of data: The personal data transferred may include, but is not limited to, name, address, email, phone number and such other personal data that may be transferred from the data controller to the data processor for processing services. The IT capacity plan is derived from the current and future resources utilization for holding, storing and accommodating the software services. This Data Protection Exhibit (“DP Exhibit”) forms part of the Agreement between Customer and CenturyLink and is applicable to the provision of certain CenturyLink Services. As a business, we need to understand how this rate relates to our customers’ workloads in order to maintain the highest possible quality of service for all customers. One of the most important reasons to utilize proper planning strategies is cost. The Audit and any findings related thereto shall be treated as Confidential Information. Understanding cloud capacity A cloud computing environment is composed of physical servers that contain resources that can be shared by many users and applications. However, in contrast to a banking institution, our customers do not provide us with the resources we use to grow our platform. Evaluating your companies needs could save untold amounts of money from your IT budget and maximize company profits through greater technological efficiency. CenturyLink will limit access to Customer Data to only those employees, agents, contractors or service providers of CenturyLink who need the information to carry out the purposes for which Customer Data was disclosed to CenturyLink. As such, capacity planning must accommodate for different purchasing decisions and subsequent patterns and cycles associated with each cadence. The parties agree that CenturyLink shall not actively process such Personal Data and shall be bound by the provisions of this DP Exhibit in respect of any such retained Personal Data. Data center security personnel are responsible for controlling data center access, monitoring local security alarms and managing all reported physical security-related events. Please check your email for confirmation. We do not want to take the volatility of the cloud industry for granted. Capacity management ⦠The need for this level of analysis comes from a couple of different sources. There are many types of devices such as: network devices, storage devices, and compute devices. Search anytime by typing what you need and pressing ENTER, Lumen Private Cloud on VMware Cloud Foundation, Lumen Master Account: Common Issues and Frequently Asked Questions, Lumen Master Account: Multi-Factor Authentication, Lumen Cloud Trial Frequently Asked Questions, Deactivation of Canadian versions of Approved anti-malware software is installed on CenturyLink equipment capable of running it where the risk of infection is high. Please try again. name, address, email address)to the extent it is Personal Data, which is necessary for CenturyLink’s performance of its obligations under the Agreement and the applicable Services Exhibit(s), or with respect to any Personal Data held for general business purposes. Processor operations: The Data Importer will, through authorized personnel, perform the following processing services: cloud hosting and communications services as may be individually ordered by Data Exporter and as more fully described in service orders, service exhibits and similar contractual documentation. For purposes of clarification, access will not be granted to certain areas of certain facilities (such as data centers) to which CenturyLink does not generally allow access to its customers (e.g. Capacity ⦠These measures generally apply to CenturyLink’s standard services and certain measures may not apply or may be applied differently to customized services, configurations, or environments ordered or as deployed by Customer. System optimization aims to get more production from the system components ⦠Cloud capacity management tools. Since each device has a separate set of customers, we must consider consumer behavior both at the device level as well as at the global level. While we strive to do our best from an analytical perspective, there is no substitute for the agility of platform engineers and the operations teams that ensure the continued health and stability of the cloud platform on a daily basis. We also examine the accuracy of our forecast technique by studying the historic data for each device and examining how well our forecast would have done at predicting future capacity needs. Even worse, unexpectedly switching providers could be time consuming and damaging to company revenue. Each server has ⦠Network security controls, including the use of firewalls, layered DMZs, and updated intrusion detection/prevention systems to help protect systems from intrusion and/or limit the scope or success of any attack or attempt at unauthorized access. 11 Sept. 2013. First, when the business uses this forecast model for procurement reasons, it needs to connect to a plethora of external requirements. Future Amendments. CenturyLink acknowledges that it is a Data Processor on behalf of the Customer for the purposes of providing Services and performing its related obligations (including incident resolution, support or consultancy services). Choosing to reserve capacity in the cloud prior to applying the earlier steps can limit your cloud cost reduction ability. In order to know how to combine forecasts from different devices, we need to know how devices relate to one another. Having tools that provide the visibility into your cloud to measure and report on actual capacity usage per customer will set your cloud apart and ensure that you are maximizing your profitability.The right capacity management strategies for your cloud computing ⦠How we Integrate Forecasts with Business Processes CenturyLink has adopted and implemented a corporate information security program as described below, which program is subject to reasonable changes by CenturyLink from time to time.
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