The law specifies the education, training, testing, regulatory and governance requirements for these new NPs, including the circumstances in which an NP must consult with or refer patients to a physician. The issue reminds us that state-imposed occupational-licensing barriers and regulations hamper the ability of the marketplace to solve California’s pressing health care needs. Dear Governor Newsom: On behalf of the American Medical Association (AMA) and our physician and medical student members, I write to express our strong opposition to Assembly Bill (A.B. Assembly Bill No. They noted that a much-higher percentage of nurse practitioners than physicians accept Medi-Cal and uninsured patients. Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed AB 890 into law to allow nurse prac oners (NPs) to prac ce with expanded authority under certain condi ons. RCRC has lent its support to Assembly Bill 890, authored by Assembly Member Jim Wood (D-Healdsburg). AB 890 Implementation Plan Loretta Melby, Executive Officer Medical Board of California Board Meeting February 5, 2021 Assembly Bill 890 Assembly Bill (AB) 890: Nurse Practitioners (NPs): Scope of Practice: Practice wit hout Standardized Procedures. Assembly Bill 890. Key provisions of AB 890 are ambiguous, and will require clarification and guidance from regulators. SACRAMENTO–Today the Assembly Appropriations Committee reported that AB 890 by Assemblymember Jim Wood (D-Santa Rosa), which would provide full practice authority to nurse practitioners, will become a two-year bill, postponing any further action this first year of the two-year legislative session. This being California, however, this deregulatory legislation includes too many new regulatory concessions. We might permanently block any user who abuses these conditions. Assembly Bill 890 An Act to create 19.475 of the statutes; Relating to: disclosing information about executive branch appointments. 890 Introduced by Assembly Member Ridley-Thomas February 26, 2015 An act to add Chapter 7.75 (commencing with Section 3550) to Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code, relating to healing arts. AB 890 requires “Section 103' NPs to refer cases beyond their training and education to a physician. Visitor Information. Assembly Bill 890 addresses that problem by removing a major regulatory roadblock. Why the Biden administration should keep to the Afghanistan withdrawal timetable The bill does not prohibit the supervision of NPs – including the two new categories created under AB 890 – or otherwise seek to regulate or modify the operative law regarding the governance of nurse practitioners who do not receive additional training. The editorials are unsigned because, while written by one or more members of our staff, they represent the point of view of our news organization’s management. In order to take informed positions, we meet frequently with government, community and business leaders on important issues affecting our cities, region and state. The law is clear that AB 890 does not prohibit physician supervision or modify existing arrangements with medical systems or physicians and nurse practitioners, and applies the prohibition on the corporate practice of medicine to these new categories of nurse practitioner. We have a lot of work to do to ensure AB 890 is implemented in a way that protects patients. CHAPTER 265. Among other things. It also requires “Section 104” NPs, who are practicing in facilities that may not have a physician on site, to consult with and refer patients to a physician in specified circumstances. the bill would authorize a nurse practitioner who meets certain education experience and certification requirements to perform as a physician. We’re disappointed that few Republicans supported the bill given their rhetoric about the need for more competition. (2019-2020) Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 265, Statutes of 2020.

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