Women on the other hand were…flinty achievers who triumph despite the cavemen who…want to keep them in their place.”, 2. Der Name ist eine Herkunftsbezeichnung, die sich von dem Namen der Siedlung Rockenfeld ableitet (1280 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt als Rukenvelt, wegen der Lage auf dem ersten Höhenrücken zwischen Rhein und Westerwald). In numerous countries, including America, women have been treated as the lesser of the two sexes and have often been subjected to harsh and unfair treatment by society. ( Log Out / The latest shots from my travels around the world and Stateside. Strauss (who was to many the main influence on William Kristol’s intellectual development) believed individual freedom was causing the chaos, as people pursued their own selfish interests leading to conflict in society. Aaron Russo (European of jewish faith fighting Globalism) reveals Rockefellers are largely behind the feminist movement with the ultimate goal being to destroy the family unit. We funded Women’s Lib. While trying to recruit Russo for the CFR, Nicholas Rockefeller told him that his family foundation created women's liberation using mass media control as part of a long-term plan to enslave humanity. 49 likes. Marriage and family may not be for everyone but it is the natural path for most. Marriage and children are a bore. And the second reason was: Now we get the kids in school at an early age. Today’s War and Terror and other propagandized “wars” on everything from drugs to paying with cash represent the implementation of this dialectic by the government propaganda ministers. The Hegelian dialectic, as practiced by today’s social engineers boils down to creating a problem that does not really exist which causes a reaction among people, usually a reaction predicted by psychologists and sociologists, then having a preplanned solution in mind which aggrandizes power and profit. Henry Makow reports: On Thursday a British writer reported overhearing two young women: “All men are useless these days,” one said. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Consequently, the family is in disarray, sexual depravity is rampant and birth rates have plummeted. While trying to recruit Russo for the CFR, Nicholas Rockefeller told him that his family foundation created women’s liberation using mass media control as part of a long-term plan to enslave humanity. In her book “Spin Sisters”(2004) she says the media sold women “a career in exactly the same drum banging way that the Happy Homemaker had been ..sold to their mothers.”. The Rockefeller controlled media undermined women’s natural loving instincts using the following mantras: 1. Feminism was not about empowering women, it was about taking them out of the home to double the amount of taxpayers and cut wages by doubling the supply of workers Aaron Russo, Academy Award nominated film producer and director, gave an interview before his death that explains what feminism was truly about. At the same time, Playboy Magazine etc. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.” -Charles Bukowski. Men aren’t designed to fight with women. Men instinctively want to fulfill this responsibility. Link. Es gibt keinerlei nachweisliche Verbindung. You don’t need to get married to have sex. There is no discussion of marriage or family. As the school, as the officials as their family, not as the parents teaching them.”. (Russo also warned about the coming implantation of RFID chips into the world population to establish complete control over the society. Aaron Russo exposes his attempted recruitment by the Rockefeller family. When I saw their intentions behind it, where they were coming from when they created it, the thought of it, I saw the evil behind what I thought was a noble venture. This powerful, unique blend contains concentrated ingredients including Maca Root Complex, Ginseng, Saw Palmetto, L-Arginine, Tribulus. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. marriage): female power in exchange for male power expressed as love. They have noticed that people are diffident malleable creatures who prefer to believe what they are told than trust their own reason or perception. We can indoctrinate the kids how to think. to control society. Live without fear. Because we are women, we remain victims in our private lives, at work, in society as a whole.” Thus women must have a sense of grievance, entitlement and rebellion. We, the Rockefellers, funded that. Help us grow by making a purchase from our Recommended Reading and Viewing page or our Politically Incorrect Apparel and Merchandise page or buy anything from Amazon using this link. In this classic interview, Russo recounts one of his conversations with Rockefeller. God’s love can be seen in a woman’s dedication to her husband and children. Admiring the female form while remembering the truth about women. PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE TRUTH BY RATING THIS VIDEO : ))This is a ten minute section of an interview Aaron Russo made before his untimely death. ( Log Out / By Sphinx | February 27th, 2007 | Categories: Crime, Politics | Tags: Aaron Russo, Nick Rockefeller, Video | 0 Comments. A woman makes this supreme sacrifice to only one man who will cherish her and provide for his family.... Continue Reading → We used to say, “as American as motherhood and apple pie.” Only satanists would trash motherhood. KN-OW.COM | Feminism, The Rockefellers and Aaron Russo Revelations Guiding men to financial and lifestyle freedom. aimed a similar message at men. Recent history has shown us the masses fall for this tactic time and time again. Personal reviews of international travel destinations from the International Man of Mystery. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. New Feminism is True feminism Clip About How Feminism Sucks- Talking Aaron Russo%2C Rockefeller %26 Him Starting Women%27s Lib Movement on Vimeo Join America is in the midst of a Socialist Revolution, and a purge of dissident voices has begun. As a former friend and confidant of Nick Rockefeller and a Hollywood insider, Russo was privy to a lot of inside information. RF Life Coaching is affordable, Realtalk wisdom for men. Feminism is elite social engineering designed to neuter both sexes, making women less fit for marriage and motherhood, and men unable to sacrifice for family. Consequently, the family is in disarray, sexual depravity is rampant and birth rates have plummeted. Learn harsh realities about The Sexes, Game and Hypergamy. 4. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. She gives herself to her husband and children and is fulfilled by seeing them thrive and receiving their love, respect and gratitude. The first step to putting all money on the chips will be the removal of the $100 bill from the monetary system.). In The Politics of Fear, these tendencies are discussed in detail. Hollywood producer, filmmaker, activist and truth seeker Aaron Russo reveals some of the REAL reasons for feminism which was funded and pushed by the Rockefellers and the CIA for very nefarious reasons, which includes being part of their central banking worldwide takeover to help set up the New World Order. )Aaron Russo fut l'ami de Nicholas Rockefeller. Side benefits include depopulation and widening the tax base. Here is a piece from the first installment of that series. Minimalism: A Documentary About The Important Things, now available on Amazon. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. This consistent media drumbeat is organized brainwashing. People these days look at you like a weirdo if you talk about the fact that society was healthier before the advent of feminism. Put my wisdom to work for you. Flat-rate advertising. “We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. The ideas Strauss had were studied by two men who were to become very influential in the U.S. government: Paul Wolfowitz and William Kristol, son of Irving Kristol. “She gives herself to her husband and children and is fulfilled by seeing them thrive and receiving their love, respect and gratitude. ( Log Out / The highest occult rank is known as the Illuminati. The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young. Feminism has trained women to reject this model as “an old fashioned, oppressive stereotype” even though it reflects their natural instincts. Aaron Russo talks how and why the Rockefellers invented and financed feminism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Russo Aaron Russo, who Rockefeller attempted to recruit for the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR). University of Tulsa Golden Hurricane Baseball. Thus the bankers must destroy it. Wie bekannt ist, gibt es keinen Rauch ohne Feuer. Feminism Quotes Feminism 'We, the Rockefeller Foundation, supported and funded the Women’s Liberation Movement. -Albert Einstein. They don’t understand that we need them to be more masculine, and instead they have just copped out.”. That philosophy is Satanism. Central bankers create money out of nothing and think they are God. The totalitarian tendencies of the modern American government have philosophical foundations in neoconservatism going back to the 1960s. Aaron Russo exposes his attempted recruitment by the Rockefeller family. And we’re the ones who got it all over the newspapers and televisions — The Rockefeller Foundation. 00:16:22 – The Federal Reserve is a private bank owned by individuals who incorporate in Delaware; 00:19:01 – Aarons friend Nick Rockefeller – discusses plans of the banking industry and what they are trying to accomplish.
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